Blogs and linking to your website, good or bad?


Power Member
Apr 18, 2021
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Hello everyone,

After doing some various reading, I've confused myself yet again!

I have a blog on my website (I sell adult toys) with internal links to my products but after doing a lot of reading, people state that you should have numerous blogs that link back to your main site.

Well last week I finally started doing this (well 2 extra blogs), one is spun content and the other is sex toy reviews with links back to my main site.

Now this week I have read that Google will penalise sites that do this, is this true or just a rumour?

Lots of advice needed and appreciated please?

Thanks in advance.
You are building a small PBN it seems. Engines don't like those but if you do it right you should be good.

Outreach to other webmasters in your niche and get a link back to your site as well.
Thanks for replying, how do I 'do it right?'

I'm also trying to get backlinks but a lot of sites are wanting a lot of money, which I don't have so I'm looking at smaller sites that are growing and trying to get one link in each niche, such as bondage, anal etc to start with.
adult niche is a tough one, mate. Definitely not for newbie SEOers. And it's a tough niche not because the keywords are too competitive (might be true, I don't know cause I've never researched the niche), but because nobody outside of this niche wants to link back to it. Moreover, google sees it as spam

If I were you I would put this website on hold for now and start a new one in any other niche that's not adult, gambling, pharma, guns, etc. until I make enough money to afford taking care of the adult website because, as you said, nobody wants to partner with you unless you pay them money.

That's what I'd do...
2 blogs is not much and is not yet a PBN. its perfectly normal that webmasters have several sites and google doesnt mind if they link to eachother.
so don't worry, you can create more and build yourself a PBN. then you not only have more backlink sources for your main sites, but can also generate more traffic.
I know this is a really old post but if you are selling adult toys and a sex toy review blog linked to you that would probably work out to be a good thing, unless they were slagging off your products. I'm not an SEO expert but I've had experience in adult blogs. I am considering reviving my old website actually that's how I came across this post. I'm interested to know how your site is going now?