Blocked from sending DM's to non-followers


Registered Member
Sep 24, 2019
Reaction score
I was using jarvee to send mass DM's until it stopped working.
At the end instead of working because of all the messages it tried to send I have been blocked from sending DM's to anyone outside my followers. I can still reply to anyone who DM's me first.

Anyone know how long these block's generally last.
Been going on two weeks now.
Is there a recommended period that you should not try to send any DM's at all?
Happened on me too on my personal account with 17k followers. I can't send messages to people that don't follow me even though I followed them. I just stop sending messages to people that I'm not really connected and still continue to use my persona instagram to send messages to people I know, and the ban has been lifted after 3 days, sometimes 4 or 5, i guess it depends on how aggressive you are, when you send way too much and they detected you as spam, the amount of spam you created would contribute to how long your ban would be.
I was using jarvee to send mass DM's until it stopped working.
At the end instead of working because of all the messages it tried to send I have been blocked from sending DM's to anyone outside my followers. I can still reply to anyone who DM's me first.

Anyone know how long these block's generally last.
Been going on two weeks now.
Is there a recommended period that you should not try to send any DM's at all?
Happened to me too.
I had about 125+ message requests and a bunch of messages in my primary dms. So I replied to about 200+ in one night, next thing you know I'm 100% action blocked. I can't comment, caption, like comments, like posts, DM people even if they follow me, shadow banned, etc.

It's been like this for about 2 weeks, and now I can finally like comments as of recently . So I think from here I need to start slowly using the actions I'm allowed to use, without getting blocked, and more features will loosen up.

I'd imagine they have a hard block now where you need to work yourself out of it like a human, which in theory would eventually stop all bots because humans can't get all the bots out of a hard block easily

& Id also imagine itll loosen up in 2021