Hill Angela
- Jan 19, 2019
- 1
- 0
I have a PBN, actually a lot of PBN's. I was hiding them using robots.txt method known by everyone. But then in one sunny day Majestic started to ignore my robots.txt and now others can see my PBN sites when crawling my money site. Please note, that before nothing was visible...
So I have tried various blocking methods afterwards, like:
My tests were performed for a months and if some of them would go through - I would definitely not missed that.
I'm like in panic mode a bit
Community - have you experienced something like that? Maybe someone have solution for this?
So I have tried various blocking methods afterwards, like:
- various entries in robots.txt
- blocking through .htaccess
- tried to block URL from all bots where is placed link to money site
- tried to block URL's instead of whole domain;
- used some available plugins for WordPress
- then there was combinations of everything mentioned above
- and so on...
My tests were performed for a months and if some of them would go through - I would definitely not missed that.
I'm like in panic mode a bit
Community - have you experienced something like that? Maybe someone have solution for this?