Blackhatworld Misused By Gurus To Promote Stuff..


Junior Member
Feb 28, 2008
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Its becoming blatently obvious that WF people and Gurus are posting stuff here, raving about it then pulling it again, to generate publicity. Then there are also people like Carey Paris who download loads (which is fine), but watch forums like this, like a hawk and when their product appears then they pull it. So either they need to stop downloading or start sharing..

These people need banning, or at least preventing from accessing download sections. I'm hoping that people like VirtualVC (Wagenheim) have shared other peoples products and can be exposed as complete hypocrites.

I realise mods don't have time to deal with this stuff, but other members, if you see some really OTT praise for a product and an incomplete posting or a quick pull of share, be aware, a third rate guru is probably behind it. Out them for the health of BHW.
hmmm cud be true but it really hard to find real culprits as removal cud be genuine
If you you together a product for sale, wouldn't you want to try and protect it? Wouldn't you follow the 'downloads' to see why there are more downloads than income?

BHW should protect itself and its members from scammers who prey upon other BHW members.

If they- a guru - posts and then pulls it, it can still be available if anybody here downloaded it and cares to post it again. So its a losing proposition.

When I first joined I was download crazy, and accomplished very little but downloading. I'm sure after a period of time other newbs will do the same after they learn that the gurus offer very little actual groundbreaking info.

Thanks for the 'beware of praise inflation' tip. But even BHW members with a product to sell have engaged in similar tactics.

Let the buyer beware - Let the downloader beware.
@litenup - good stuff bro

my first few months i was reading and downloading every free pdf on this site. after a few weeks i realized my brain was overflowing with info and i needed to focus on one or two methods.

i started using one method with a slight tweak and ran with it. i am now working on perfecting it before moving on to the next, but i think its all about focusing your ideas and attention on one method to start...especially newbs
If you you together a product for sale, wouldn't you want to try and protect it? Wouldn't you follow the 'downloads' to see why there are more downloads than income?

BHW should protect itself and its members from scammers who prey upon other BHW members.

If they- a guru - posts and then pulls it, it can still be available if anybody here downloaded it and cares to post it again. So its a losing proposition.

When I first joined I was download crazy, and accomplished very little but downloading. I'm sure after a period of time other newbs will do the same after they learn that the gurus offer very little actual groundbreaking info.

Thanks for the 'beware of praise inflation' tip. But even BHW members with a product to sell have engaged in similar tactics.

Let the buyer beware - Let the downloader beware.

You too? Talk about d/l crazy; I filled up one of those 500 gig USB hard drives with shite! And I'd try something for a few days and move on to the next big thing. Thank gosh I was already long past that phase of my IM career when I found BHW!
One of the big differences between BHW and a lot of other forums is the responsiveness of our staff here. When someone proves that their intellectual property is being shared without their permission, staff are quick to clean up the mess. This is simply not the case on the majority of other forums in this industry. Piracy is one thing, but when individuals begin to profit by selling the work of others and promoting it as their own, a line has been crossed. Sadly, many other forums assist this form of theft by turning a blind eye to its existence until someone who is well known to them makes a scene. BHW's staff are far more even-handed than this and, as far as I know, look into every claim that comes across their desk.

Whether or not blatant self-promotion is a ban-worthy offense is up to the big guys upstairs, but in my humble opinion to allow the takedown requests of fellow marketers to fall on deaf ears would be a shame.
It's all about Making a Buzz about something and then bait and switch - this game has been played forever - even before the web.

It appears to me that it is just another marketing technique.
Before any new download threads there should be terms to agree to....

"Do you think that this product is the best thing in the world, never before seen by anyone other than your friends who are now making Bill Gates annual salary in one day. So mind blowingly simple that you could just say a number and it appears in your back account, the fruits of your many thousands of years of testing and tweaking even though you brought out a product saying the exact same thing 2 moths ago?"

If they tick yes then they are a "guru" and should be banned.

Idea might need a bit of work...
@tmd4183.... i wasnt gonna comment...coz what I wanted to say has been said by Oldenstylehats...BUT...I had to tell ya..."Awesome avatar!"
If I put together a product, I would make a better mouse trap for protecting my product. If you throw together a product that is an ebook and is easy to copy, then it is your responsiblity to make sure that the product can't be found by a PDF search on google, or a robots.txt file link to your product.

Seriously, a pdf ebook it highly available to be copied so you should know going in that you need to find a mechanism to protect it.
Good for them if they use it, BHW gets good serp rankings, gets people aware of the product [those that may market it via clickbank] etc.

If they are doing it learn from it and use the same or better tacticts. Instead of complaining that you did not get something for free. [not saying you are complaining, but its close]

unlimited postings made something available and made it hard to get the other day, I found it eventually, but gave me a really really good Idea for me to try. So when you are doing something and it dont turn out the way you wish, learn from it and use it.
If I put together a product, I would make a better mouse trap for protecting my product. If you throw together a product that is an ebook and is easy to copy, then it is your responsiblity to make sure that the product can't be found by a PDF search on google, or a robots.txt file link to your product.

Seriously, a pdf ebook it highly available to be copied so you should know going in that you need to find a mechanism to protect it.

What if all your stuff is copywrited, is there any way to track your products (like to people you sell to) maybe some kind of hidden number in the pdf that makes it a legit copy (and also that the copy is read-only?) or something? I think I'm a bit naive at this as I fully understand and am aware that all things eventually become pirated (or can be).

For the most part though can they be tracked so if you find people distributing your private works (without permission or gaining profit from it in a way you didn't intend - and not making any money yourself because somehow they got it free) that you can take lawful action against them?
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I think is kind of funny. Maybe a pain in the ass for many, but to complain about such a thing if it is going on when programs and e-books are shared freely here which were created with the intent to sell, is a bit of a joke.

Ideas are shared here to turn around and do these sorts of things on all of the other websites out there that can be exploited. If someone shared this as a technique, there would probably be at least 20 "thanks" below it by now.
Well, I have no problem sharing my stuff within reason because people here are not people who were going to buy it anyway in most cases. I have over a dozen products of mine in the download section and the only thing I ever asked to have added to the do not share list is micro niche finder and I only added it because to many wannabe hackers were messing up my server.
Bottom line is if they own the product and can prove it they have a right to ask it not be shared but in my opinion they should just leave it because once it's out there its everywhere and this isn't a very actively buying audience.
unlimited postings made something available and made it hard to get the other day, i found it eventually,...

I was going to rant at you for being a scum sucking douchebag asshole leeching fucking retarded piece of rat diarrhea. But you might not mean what I think you mean by this line, so I won't... yet.

Care to explain what you mean by this?

a) I care so little about the contributors to this forum, that I'll just whore out to another forum and find whatever I want because the world owes me and fuck the hard work of the real contributors and thinkers.

b) Yup. That unlimitedpostings, he put a challenge in front of me to test me and make sure I was really dedicated to taking the gift he offered and using it, but I put in the time and did as he asked and was rewarded for my effort by getting the thing he freely gave me. I'm sure glad I'm not a scum sucking douchebag asshole leeching fucking retarded piece of rat diarrhea that would fuck over a fellow member of the best forum on the internet for making money, wherein if I wasn't a scum sucking douchebag asshole leeching fucking retarded piece of rat diarrhea I could easily learn and implement enough ideas that have been shared for free to be able to afford to honestly and honorably pay for the methods developed by these, the smartest people in internet marketing.

Please select one.
Glad you stuck up for unlimmited, I took his chalenge and figured it out and am appreciative of what he has freely given. In return he has my REAL email, and address as my gratitude for what he has given

I dont visit anywhere else, and would not fuck over a member here like that.

I know writing can be misunderstood, so I am hoping this is CLEAR now.

I was going to rant at you for being a scum sucking douchebag asshole leeching fucking retarded piece of rat diarrhea. But you might not mean what I think you mean by this line, so I won't... yet.

Care to explain what you mean by this?

a) I care so little about the contributors to this forum, that I'll just whore out to another forum and find whatever I want because the world owes me and fuck the hard work of the real contributors and thinkers.

b) Yup. That unlimitedpostings, he put a challenge in front of me to test me and make sure I was really dedicated to taking the gift he offered and using it, but I put in the time and did as he asked and was rewarded for my effort by getting the thing he freely gave me. I'm sure glad I'm not a scum sucking douchebag asshole leeching fucking retarded piece of rat diarrhea that would fuck over a fellow member of the best forum on the internet for making money, wherein if I wasn't a scum sucking douchebag asshole leeching fucking retarded piece of rat diarrhea I could easily learn and implement enough ideas that have been shared for free to be able to afford to honestly and honorably pay for the methods developed by these, the smartest people in internet marketing.

Please select one.
Thanks bkdubs. I kinda figured that was the case. :)

And I think we may be talking about adultsplayground, not unlimitedpostings. But if unlimited shared something that I missed, that kinda sucks for me, but good on ya for getting it.

Anyway, thanks.
Well - its good to see people are aware of this - I don't really see what can be done, I would just hate to see this place become as corrupt as the W*rrior forum where the forum rules are altered for any guru with enough cash.
From VirtualV:

Oh...and it might be "freely available" for some...but Steve is a member here and I'm pretty sure that he will make sure this thread goes away just like the last one did that someone posted the download outright on.

See...Steven W is an internet genius/millionaire and he allows some of his ideas to be SOLD...for people to make money just like he did...apparently you missed that