Biggest DDos Aattack Ever Brings Internet to a Slow Haul


Elite Member
Mar 22, 2012
Reaction score
If anyone is having internet problems... Biggest System Ddos attack happening...

Edited: added attack map LIVE Source

You can see where attacks are coming from here: (Takes 20 minutes to load this page though.


Mod: Please move to lounge... Im old and blind and accidentally clicked intro section next to lounge :)
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Holy crap those kids sound cool. They must get bitches for days with those massive DDOSes of theirs.
there are lots of threads for this already, but soundcloud is down and so i pinterest
fair enough, it's scary i can get on twitter and facebook but cant use soundcloud or pinterest. Shows how vulnerable and fragile internet income can be, i'd better dust of my market stool and hit the streets
fuck yes ! I thought I have troubles ) hahaha - thanks guys
fair enough, it's scary i can get on twitter and facebook but cant use soundcloud or pinterest. Shows how vulnerable and fragile internet income can be, i'd better dust of my market stool and hit the streets

It is definitely good, especially in this time and age to not put all of your eggs in one basket. There are millions of dollars being lost right now.
no unfortunately, but i just tweeted about twitter being down using #twitterdown and got some new followers, you just couldn't make it up :)
I noticed PayPal was down for a while, Then realised my isps DNS servers seemed to be down as well. Guess this was why.

Wow. Cool :-)