Bidvertiser Question


Junior Member
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I have a really simple but stupid question. I just want to know how to let only the highest paying ads run on the bidvertiser ads I am displaying on my blogs. How do I choose the categories. And how do I maximize the $$ per click I get.

Thank you
I believe you can try to manually approve your ads, this way you will only accept the top paying ones.
You can change the ads in bidvertiser. But you must choose a categorie and then you see how much the ads pay there.
which category has the most ads ? I would think that the category with the most ads will have more ads that pay more. I figure out how to approve and decline ads, but it is severly limited the ads that are being displayed on the site.
I think the "money" part got the best paying ads, but im not sure. But if you write a blogg about monkeys dont choose the money ads..
It depends on the content of your site and which category you choose for it.
And it also depends on who clicks it.
Web proxy sites sometimes get $1.05 per US click .
fu*k bidvertiser!! They don't even count clicks correctly. They take your money from you.
yeah it it's true... Even try your level best for selecting high paying ads... Use your mind always (I know everyone have) but few people use it...
stupid me..i had wasted my precious time and strength in clicking....Arrrh.. in the end i got a shame
Bidvertiser actually is a nice alternate for google adsense.
You can manually approve ads you only want to appear on your site.
Thus you can turn down Low CPC/ CTR ads depending on their bids (you'll be able to see it on the ad status). Unlike on adsense, GA's point system controls the ads that will show up based on the category of the site, keyword/ keyphrase etc.
You should choose the category (on bidvertiser) accordingly. If you have a business site you should put it under business categ. Otherwise they might disable the ads on your site.
So far I'm earning atleast $500/ mo from it (on 1 site I own) with mearly a 1000 UV/ 3000 PV per day and gets it directly to my paypal ($10 or more).