BHW Xbox Live Gamertags & Playstation Network Names


Elite Member
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
Post your gamertag and/or PSN.

Add me if you wanna play MW2.

Gamertag: Macdonjo
PSN: macdonjo

I don't play PS3 much though, so don't expect me to be on too much but I play few hours during the week and some solid hours on weekends. :)
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Better Stop playing Cock Of Duty And Play some Halo with me! tag--Xbox-- (My Applez Rock)
Why does this thread have so many views?

Anyway, my Gamertag is the same as my Username here: Thrashingshrimp!

So be sure to add me so we can all kick some ass together.

I typically play Gears, COD, Rainbow Six, and Halo.

But on, September 14th, it's gonna be HALO: REACH. Wewt.
My GamerTag is EliteLeran

I stopped playing MW2 cause the respawn locations are ridiculous.. You basically spawn right in front of your enemies or right near them.. i mean come on thats stupid!

They should atleast spawn you away from action where its safe.

I'm waiting for Black Ops those trailers look amazing!!
I play gta4 online alot.

but those mother effers with turbo controllers kill the game ...
My GamerTag is EliteLeran

I stopped playing MW2 cause the respawn locations are ridiculous.. You basically spawn right in front of your enemies or right near them.. i mean come on thats stupid!

They should atleast spawn you away from action where its safe.

I'm waiting for Black Ops those trailers look amazing!!

This can be a good thing if you are the killer. :)