I just saw a SL from a likely victim of a $6000 scam. Possibly he will be refunded, but he is not the first one at risk of losing thousands of dollars on the forum marketplace.
I know there are projects and work being done for a Marketplace 2.0 and something more secure but my proposal is simple and IMMEDIATE in effect to prevent victims of scams that can literally do a LOT of damage to your life.
Create a special badge, to sell items over $1000 on this forum, you need to submit an ID, have years of experience on the forum, extensive customer history, no previous problems of any kind. Surely there are some sellers here who are exemplary and would not suffer from this.
To sell products over $1K:
Was your profile created less than 2 years ago? REJECTED
Do you have many Shit List problems? REJECTED
Are you unwilling to submit an ID? REJECTED
You have no sales history? REJECTED
Is this your first time selling a product on BHW? REJECTED
REJECTED = start selling cheaper products and building trust between customers and the members of this forum
APROVED = you are trustworthy, a member with a sales history, have nothing to hide, and are an enterprising seller, take your golden badge here.
Perfect to end these profiles created six months ago or bought on other sites and are trying to sell IG verification for $4K USD without any kind of identity verification and sales history on the forum.
I know there are projects and work being done for a Marketplace 2.0 and something more secure but my proposal is simple and IMMEDIATE in effect to prevent victims of scams that can literally do a LOT of damage to your life.
Create a special badge, to sell items over $1000 on this forum, you need to submit an ID, have years of experience on the forum, extensive customer history, no previous problems of any kind. Surely there are some sellers here who are exemplary and would not suffer from this.
To sell products over $1K:
Was your profile created less than 2 years ago? REJECTED
Do you have many Shit List problems? REJECTED
Are you unwilling to submit an ID? REJECTED
You have no sales history? REJECTED
Is this your first time selling a product on BHW? REJECTED
REJECTED = start selling cheaper products and building trust between customers and the members of this forum
APROVED = you are trustworthy, a member with a sales history, have nothing to hide, and are an enterprising seller, take your golden badge here.
Perfect to end these profiles created six months ago or bought on other sites and are trying to sell IG verification for $4K USD without any kind of identity verification and sales history on the forum.