Better to post all my content at once or?


Registered Member
Nov 27, 2011
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lets say I have written tons of unique articles and saved it on my computer, but I have not uploaded to my website yet, is it better to upload them one by one , few times a week, or upload them all at once?
Just upload them all but set the date to be published to every week or day or however long depending on the amount of content you have.

In Wordpress it can be changed on the right hand side under Publish. By default it's set to immediately. Just change that to any date in the future and it'll be posted at that time. And boom, automatic drip feed of content.
I would drip feed them. Otherwise Google will index you once and forget about you (not index as often).
3-4 a week scheduled on random days & hours..
then hit some manual forum & articles links and directory and web 2.0s with spinned content of your last articles so by time come you will use first articles ... like reverse content but spin it on external sources ;)
From personal experience I would suggest to upload it periodically. If you are lazy and you have WP then schedule your posts as mentioned above.
Thanx 75inz, that was very good advice and you didn't even piss me off.
I would say twice per week.
You really want your readers to come back later and not just once, read all the content and go away.
I'd add them gradually. I usually add 1 article a day for the first month, then like 1 or 2 articles a week after that.
I would drip feed them once in a week time. I believe there is some plugins for this if you are using wordpress.
Drip feed always works. For wordpress make sure you have your pinging setup properly.
If they are really good content there is no difference. But unique content doesn't mean it is quality content ...
Upload all at once and simply edit the publishing date , if you have alot of articles then go with 2 articles per day . If less than 1 article per 2 days . That will be much better .
post 20 posts for start, then add 1 article/ day after. That's the best way to do it.
Depending on how long the articles are - you say you have tons of them written, so I'm guessing they're shortish - I would start by uploading ten to twenty of them. That way when people come to the site it looks full and this encourages people to see it as a serious site. After that I would publish between three and four a week, drip feeding them as people here have suggested.

By doing it this way, you get an instant bounce from having a site filled with content but you also get the search engines to keep looking back for the newer content. Google likes good content, it likes full content and it likes new content. As you already have the articles, all you need to do is set it to upload a new article every few days and you should have no problem.
dont forget to mix up the scheduling times randomly - we dont want google to see that the articles were posted at the same time every day ;)
Yeah, I would schedule post and i do with some of my current blogs
Uploading your written articles one by one 2 or 3 times within a week would be good idea.
post 20 posts for start, then add 1 article/ day after. That's the best way to do it.

Yep this is the one. You always want to start with a good chunk of content up there right at the beginning to give the spiders something to chew on and encourage them to come back, and so any real readers who land on your site can have a good read and hopefully bookmark you for later.

Then preschedule your posts to post the frequency you want, slightly randomized (eg. not at precisely 10am every day - vary your posting times by a few hours every day).

Posting manually day after day is some dumb white shit, you want to set it once and forget it.
At first I would first build the site with 10-15 articles immediately. Then it would be best to post one every 1-2 days. Good thing wordpress has a schedule feature :)