Bet You Never Heard It Like This Before:PageRank,SocialMedia Marketing,Google Algo Changes


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2012
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Here you go if you're more of a visual and audible learner.

This guy raps about various aspects of I.M

It's nothing fancy, but the guy is doing something that hasn't really been done before and for that I give him props.

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There's a few others, but these are the better quality ones.
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That pretty much pictures how fucking saturated the SEO service providing is becoming.
That pretty much pictures how fucking saturated the SEO service providing is becoming.

Well what happen is many link builders instead of calling their service link building, they call it SEO. Domainers instead of selling domains they are selling SEO domains. Web designers don't sell designs, they sell SEO designs, and so on. People have become so familiar with the term SEO. Social marketers offer their service as an SEO option. Get on the SEO wagon!

Look here, this is actually a banner here in BHW. It reads "SEO Traffic on your website". Like are you serious? That's what happen. They don't say "website traffic" or "organic traffic".
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lol thats whats up :)
That was entertaining,I never knew about seo rappers.
Hah this guy owns that was great, one of his video's "Design Coding" has about a million views on youtube "I work that SERP til it squirts" haha.
I think I have found my new guilty pleasure for listening to while I build those links!
I wonder why he's never put his vids on here?
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