Best way to spin/steal content?


Regular Member
Nov 22, 2020
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1. Translate from a foreign language the content using Deepl translate
2. Spin the content with Wordai
3. Use Grammarly for plagiarism check and potentilal grammatical errors

Can this work? Any suggestions?
You need to add an extra step which is called content review / content correction.

Try to mix paragraphs, so they don't appear in the same order as in the content you scraped from the web.

I think you could produce an article of 1000 words length for $1. Just ask someone if they can go through the article and correct mistakes, parts where it's unreadable.
I don't know how many would want to do that, but certainly there are people who are looking for a job and can do 3 articles per hour. :)

Even if they are hindi, they'll be able to do it. The only requirement is to speak English at B2 level.
Create work opportunities in 3rd world countries and feed that freaking google robot.

If you are dealing with products, try to make a website where you compare thousands of different products using their parameters and attributes.
List pricings and their pros / cons. That way you will up the word count.
The text can be less or more helpful to the viewer. Just make sure it's readable and that every sentence makes logical sense.

Ebay is dominating serps in my country. And the reason is that customers get everything they need there and end their journey buying.
It's also a good way to cover thousands of keywords.
The more stuff you show on the website and align it properly, the higher the chance a user will not bounce.

I think you can consider the project done if you are at 20 - 30k pages in a single niche. With some modern technology it shouldn't be a problem.
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Proofreading that kind of content will give you migraines
Use an AI copywriter instead.
This does work fine, double-checking the content manually would be even better as translating tools are not totally accurate most of the time,
Be aware from which websites do you pick the content, some websites can send a DMCA notice or end up seeing you
Proofreading that kind of content will give you migraines
Use an AI copywriter instead.
Depends on the source used. It takes about 5 minutes to make a 500 word article readable and logical.
AI needs to be trained correctly. Every tool I have tested so far would require me to use very specific headlines and guidelines.
And even then it would not be very readable.

This does work fine, double-checking the content manually would be even better as translating tools are not totally accurate most of the time,
Be aware from which websites do you pick the content, some websites can send a DMCA notice or end up seeing you

How do you exactly get a DMCA if you use your own headlines, turn paragraphs and sentence order? Also you can tell an AI to rewrite it to make it seem like it's completely new.
it also depends on what you want to use the content for, but surely it can work the way you described it.
A little bit of enhancement might be needed in the third step where a real person reviews it manually and fixes all the words that don't make sense and a few messed up spins by Wordai, apart from that, it should work well for basic sites and web 2.0s.
You may get a lot of DMCA requests if the content is from big news sites, What niche do you plan to build the site in?
If its random articles, or more generalized topics, then an AI generator will give you better output.
A little bit of enhancement might be needed in the third step where a real person reviews it manually and fixes all the words that don't make sense and a few messed up spins by Wordai, apart from that, it should work well for basic sites and web 2.0s.
Web 2.0s of course are a waste of time. Basic sites? Yeah, you can build 1st tier links with that, but you can also try to make it readable and use on money site. But you really need to verify whatever you are uploading. Then do some interlinking of the website and ranking will be much easier.
Yes, it works. But you need to roughly go through the content and remove/fix broken parts.
Actually, the best way to get low-cost content—or even free content—that has a high chance of ranking has nothing to do with translating foreign language content into English, spinning that material, or using artificial intelligence.

A really awesome way is through outreach.

Let’s say you run a graphics design blog, and there is a hot new trend in your niche—there are many related questions to that!

So you just come up with a list of questions that people actually ask, structure those questions in a logical way, and then get your virtual assistant to find other bloggers—who also focus on graphic design or who are graphic designers themselves—to answer those questions.

This is called outreach content creation.

The best part to all of this is the material that you end up with is already edited because it’s in interview format!

Your visitors won't demand that you whip everything into shape because it’s an interview; you basically don’t have to lift a finger!

Another awesome thing about this is that there's a high incentive for your interviewees to link back to you because you're shining a spotlight on them.

You're giving them publicity on your blog, but—little do they know—the more they link to you, the higher your blog posts rank!

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Finally, there's a high level of authority in this content because you're not just asking some average bum on the street; you're asking people who are authorities in your niche to share their opinion.

You can apply this to all niches, and it’s way cheaper than using software and then having to edit all that stuff.

It’s definitely cheaper than writing things by hand!

Now, of course, this only works in certain contexts.

This is not a magic bullet solution for all your content needs, but it definitely goes a long way.
You could ending up with google panalty as earlier mentioned by a member .
It's a LIE that google penalizes websites for duplicate content.
Yes. It's a lie. A huge lie. 80% of stuff I see in my country is based on duplicate content.
So yeah, it's something to get people out of the game quickly.
Why is that so? Because intent and ux is worth way more for the user.
Duplicate content is not bad for the user if you think about it.
A comprehensive resource made with duplicate content is way better than some thin content with a few options.

You could ending up with google panalty as earlier mentioned by a member .
How much duplicate content have you produced in your lifetime?
If your websites were penalized, how did you make sure it wasn't the fault of bad linking profile?

Translations are protected by copyright, basic word swapping for the closest dictionary alternative can lead to Google penalty.
Creative human translation prevents duplicate content.
There is some truth to that, but duplicate content was never bad unless it was creative work.
If it wasn't true, all auction services would go down.

You need to add an extra step which is called content review / content correction.

Try to mix paragraphs, so they don't appear in the same order as in the content you scraped from the web.

I think you could produce an article of 1000 words length for $1. Just ask someone if they can go through the article and correct mistakes, parts where it's unreadable.
I don't know how many would want to do that, but certainly there are people who are looking for a job and can do 3 articles per hour. :)

Even if they are hindi, they'll be able to do it. The only requirement is to speak English at B2 level.
Create work opportunities in 3rd world countries and feed that freaking google robot.

If you are dealing with products, try to make a website where you compare thousands of different products using their parameters and attributes.
List pricings and their pros / cons. That way you will up the word count.
The text can be less or more helpful to the viewer. Just make sure it's readable and that every sentence makes logical sense.

Ebay is dominating serps in my country. And the reason is that customers get everything they need there and end their journey buying.
It's also a good way to cover thousands of keywords.
The more stuff you show on the website and align it properly, the higher the chance a user will not bounce.

I think you can consider the project done if you are at 20 - 30k pages in a single niche. With some modern technology it shouldn't be a problem.

I must follow this advice. Sounds golden.
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I use same trick.
Translated text->Spin It->Proof Read, Add Some extra contents & Change heading-->Boooom.