Best way to Pin products on Pinterest currently?


Power Member
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
A couple months back i got really interested in Pinterest but decided to just start building followers till i got a lot before promoting anything and at the time there was a lot of fuss about them stopping promotional pins with affiliate id changes and what not so i figured it was probably for the better i just wait. But now i have a lot of followers and want to test the waters for the first time promoting stuff, so i have a question for the pinterest people out there who are up to date on how things work currently.

What is the best way to say promote a clickbank product through pinterest currently? Like can you just upload the image and place your affiliate link in and everything be fine, or do you have to do something a little more elaborate to pass by now?
I believe using a URL shortener for an affiliate link is working fine.
I have read that you get better conversions by sending them to your own landing page instead of a direct link.
yeah i heard about the landing page stuff, but really just a url shortener will do the job ? :D
good luck finding a url shortner thats not flagged as spam already..
so pinterest has marked all the url shorteners as spam now? is this true? and if so can i just create a free blog and do a redirect to a product then and get by?
I have a script that you can purchase, that cannot get your url blocked..

i can direct to any url i want even ones thats already spammed.
Yes you can do a redirect once they hit your blog. If it is a wordpress blog, just download pretty link lite.