Best proxies for GSA SER?


Power Member
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
What is the best proxy service? I'm looking for 10-20 proxies to run with GSA SER.

And please don't just point to the marketplace section. I tried 2 of the big proxy providers and i'm kinda disappointed, proxies died fast, every 2-4 days and they were expensive too.

What proxy service can you guys recommend based on your past experience and why (great proxies, fast support, etc).
I would say
I have tried 3 other proxy services before I started using them.
They have awesome and FAST FAST FAST customer support.
If I have some dead proxies, i submit ticket, then I just wait a few minutes, refresh my browser, and they have replaced them.

I use the semi-dedicated proxies from them.
Buyproxies, so far they are best for me.
i was looking at buyproxies - how fast do their proxies die? i heard that they have great support but i want to load my proxies and leave gsa ser running without having to check it every day and see if the proxies are ok...

another provider i was looking at is proxyblaze - any comments about it?
I check mine about every 3 days in GSA .. out of 20 semi dedicated proxies i usually have to switch out a couple of dead ones about once a week.
Buyproxies - 5 proxies died, messaged support, replied me with new ones in a few minutes.
Last edited: are working excellent for me
Another vote for fast proxies and their customer service is great. They replaced all of my proxies in one day
proxy-hub ...they are also not bad....
Well what i do is i buy 10 private proxies from and 10 semi-Pri from proxy-hub What i like most about them is the quick support. When you find your proxies are dead .. you open a ticket and your proxies will be replaced with in minutes ! crazy
Check out squid proxies. Its what I use. Support is pretty solid.
buyproxies always for me :)
The have A+ Support.
I use buy proxies too and would recommend them. Proxies are these days dying quicker than they previously did though, try using fewer threads and more proxies.