Best Adult Affiliate for Paypal


Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
Does anyone know of any site I can sign up for as an affiliate that pays out via Paypal? Preferably the sign ups must be free too for my e-whoring.
I dont think any adult sites are allowed to pay through paypal but i may be wrong.
Dam, that means I have to bank the check the process it to my Paypal, why can't they just pay direct lol if they know we will probably just add it on our cards either way?
I don't think any affiliates pay via paypal anymore because of their roolz..paypal shat over my business verified uk account due to supposidly selling 'sex services' |:
i believe paypal does not accept any porn xxx related business, thats why there is any (?) addult affil paying with pp
I also think that is why you can't pay for anything in the ebay "Mature Audiences" with PayPal.
PayPal will have nothing whatsoever to do with any adult material. Porn purchases OR sales, or anything "naughty"...

They somehow have "ethics", but the fuckers horde money from poor people by locking their fucking accounts all the damn time.

God I wish I had a network of investors. The payment processing niche is RIPE for a new company that is better in a thousand ways.
Does anyone know of any site I can sign up for as an affiliate that pays out via Paypal? Preferably the sign ups must be free too for my e-whoring.

PayPal will not allow the use of its service for anything "adult" related. You need a corporation and a corporate bank account. Or several as some guys do. said they can pay via paypal,But I didn't test it.
hi the adultbusiness changed mainly to .
Some are also using payoneer and moneybookers but like i said in adultbiz everyone accepts epassporte