Backlinks not showing up


Registered Member
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
I have done thousands of post. Including Angela's backlinks report, made many web 2.0 sites with senuke leaving 2 sometimes 3 links on pages ran this 2 or 3 times, and manually post links in comments, make new sites and post and add link to my profile. I check all sites to make sure they do follow. I put out a few articles, booked marked everything a few times, yet i do not show 1 not 1 back link

I look in market samurai and it shows 0, I went to, and about 8 other back link checking pages all show 0 back links.

I am #1 in google phrase search and 3 pages are in the #50's area in broad search. I need to move up and get out of the 50's super fast. Internet bussiness promoter and a few other sites and programs say i have over 10 pages indexed on google but i do not show any back links at all.

Is this normal and is this the only way to move up my ranking and get out of the 50's area?
First, how long ago did you all the things you mentioned?

Second, try to add things like creating open linkwheels and ping the link properties and RSS feeds, etc.
i have a few of them linking together not all linking directly to my money page but most of them are deep linked and money page. It has been about a week, this is my first product launch. i have submitted the rss feeds to many services and pinged all book marks and sites right after i did them all. I also have 2 to 3 post on every page book marking after every post and pinging them also. I am using sites like digg,wiki,blogspot, all the major sites that senuke has plus many others on my own that i found. The site and many pages are indexed on google but no backlinks and i figure without backlinks it will never move up
I have checked with yahoo site explorer, however market samurai now shows i have 2 Even though i put out hundreds/thousands (lost track). That's all i been doing the last few weeks is making back links.

With the 2 that showed up over night shot my site up from 50's area to around #15 so it is getting a little better. I am hoping more will show up and on other keywords as well. I am a newbie so i am learning as i go. A lot of trial and error, just trying to eliminate some of the errors and i have had many.