Backlink Strategy


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
I have a 50 page website. The home page is PR6, the other pages are PR2 and less. I have plenty of links to the home page, the other pages are almost non-existent. My main keyword phrase in G search is 24,800,000. I am currently sitting about #40.

What link building strategy would you use to move up in G?
Do you have a good interlink-structure?

Try to get some links for the pages you have, not just the home page.
Yes, each page is linked from the home page.

I was wondering if there was a benefit to getting backlinks to the other pages, or just keep pumping them out for the home page.
You need links to things other than the home page man. Tick off the following and you should see some improvements:

1- clean up your interlinking structure.

2 - make sure you have some images hyperlinked to your pages with alt text.

3 - start building links to your sub pages. Don't do this all in one place. Spread it out from multiple sources.

Build a blog - on the same domain. Link to your other pages there. Even if your just pulling in your own rss.

By the way - do you have any idea how many links the top 39 sites have? You might not have "plenty" of links. You might be thousands behind.
Thanks, I appreciate your help!

1. clean up your interlinking structure - subpages are linmked from home page, also, at the bottom of each page are 50 links for all pages. Is this ok?

2. Images, where should be these be. On a subpage with a link to the same page?

3. Will do!

4. Blog - I did this for a couple of months. I had links to a second site. I could seem to get to create a page for each posting with the links on it. I ended up with a long blog, and one set of links. Maybe it wasn't set up correctly. Do you know of any good sources?

Thanks again....
Bottom-Links are bad when they are outbound-links, but they should be also bad with internal-links. Try a nice navigation on the left or right.
Lot's of good information posted here; I have a site with over 300k pages and internal linking is a bit of a nightmare.
Why would the location matter?
Well, It matter with outbound links - I mean for example the popular footer links! They dont count much in Google anymore, Google think it is Spam.

But if it is with the interlinking with your pages the same, I'm not sure, but it could be, like I said. Try it out!

Somewhere the problem might be..

But first..get some Backlinks for the pages, if you want to rank with them. Especially if you want to rank for good Keywords. For just long-term Keywords, linking to the main-page would be enough.