I'm using 3.9 on WP2.63 and everything seems to work fine with the exception of the email notifications, just don't get any and can't figure out why just yet!
have tried BMD, ASP, and no one work perfectly. Always got failed submission. Btw, have been searching for social submitter here, but cant find it. How is ASP compare with social submitter, anyone?
The reason why you don't get the email is because ASP send the notifications into the email in your wordpress settings (the email you use when crating the wordpress blog.
I had the same problem until i figure out this email was an old Yahoo mail I used. Change all my wordpress blog settings email to one and now get every report.
all i can say is that im using ASP 3.9 and i love it... i know it fails sometimes, but its a HUGE time saver since you only update its setting once then leave it there and forget it, and in a long term the times it gets a good % of successfull submissions compensates the times it gets a lower rate...
just my 2 cents!!!
To those that are using this plugin. Am I right in that it isn't a one-time fee, rather they only allow you a certain # of bookmarks before you have to purchase another license?
Are there any social posting plugins for Wordpress that are a one time deal?
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