[Ask]Get Mass Feeds Urls


Junior Member
Oct 4, 2008
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I have a question
I have hundreds mass wordpress mu blog account
Each blog have feed of course
I want to get every contents url of my blogs so I can bookmark them all!
I think the best way is by get url from my blogs feeds/rss for the faster crawl.

Is there any tools to crawl urls from mass blog feeds or anyone has better idea?
We can bookmark every single item of our post content of our mass blog for better SEO results, of course.
want to mass blog some content for me? then give me links to the blogs and I will make sure they are all the posts are hand bookmarked?
no, I need somehow to get my own contents urls for my farm blogs, I have hundreds blogs, each blogs have about 10 contents, I want to crawl my each content so I can bookmark them all