[ask]best autoblog plugins for WP


Aug 8, 2009
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what is the best autoblog plugins for wp ?
i'm starting to get confuse about creating a content
and really need a relliable autoblog plugins :(
The most commonly used autoblog plugins are Autoblogged, wp-o-matic, Yaab, and some other one that I forget the name of. Which one is the "best" is hard to say, as what works well for some people may not work well for others. I've tried all of the ones that I mentioned, and I'm not ecstatic about any of them. If you're looking for a free solution, then wp-o-matic or Yaab will work. Autoblogged is a bit pricey but more user-friendly than the other two.

I suggest that you search the forum for the programs that I mentioned. Also check out the autoblog tutorials. There are many of them here.
more suggestions please I am trying wp-o-matic right now. \i thnk it does the work nicely
Im just developing one for automatic social bookmarking beta will come soon for testing :)
i use modified version of wp-o-matic. Free and simple to modify to your own needs.
There you go. Now you just got an assortment of answers. Now you have
to figure out what works best for you. If there was one definitive answer
there would be no need for a choice. What I guess is you haven't tried many
otherwise you would be looking for a comparison to what you have been using.
perfection is an art not a foundation.
Me personally I like Autoblogged and WPRobot but's that's only because I'm
used to them. start with something simple and build up from there.
Wp robot is very well designed. It needs a bit more "mixing" capability, but I expect that shortly given the pace of their updates. Avoid WpMixer...great concept, full of bugs, nil support.
take a look at blogsense as well... the owner is very hardworking in updating user requests and adding new features non-stop
All said, every one has his opinion of the best tool based on his experience, and it depend to what options/features/contents you want to post to your blogs, so try them and figure out what works best for you .

There a number of tools that can auto post your PLR articles, check CC , rss2blog, or some others .. .
I personally use CC and wp-o-matic.

CC is on sale right now BTW.