For content on your sites that you want to rank, write it your self or outsource to a quality (not $.8 100words!) writer. For everything else just scrape and spin, but do it smart, by combining articles and paragraph level spinning.
I know people will say "but you need good content top get an article on blah" but in most cases these links really arent worth the effort.
Ok, if its a paid press release or guest post on some popular related site, then write good content, but you wouldnt even think of scrape and spin for something like that anyway, would you?
At the end of the day your great content will get scraped and reposted (spun and direct copy) anyway, so keep it for you money site.
The main thing to realize is that articles arent the be all and end all. I can get all sorts of spun crap (for backlinks, not on money sites) indexed quicker than a lot of people get quality stuff indexed.
The key is link type and anchor diversity.
A typical successful campain for me would be:
Quality bookmarks to money site and internal pages, targeting a wide range of related keywords.
Network of unique (eg super spun, at word, sentance and paragraph level, with multiple source articles) content web2.0s, all multipage, some random interlinking, most (NOT all) linking to money site with both www and not, multiple related anchors and plain url links.
wiki spam, linking to money site (same rule on multiple keywords) and a few of the web2.0s
Manuall high pr blog comments, preferably on register only pages (register to comment, not view) to money site
High pr profiles (edu, gov etc) to money site.
Scrapebox/xrummer blast to all above links (including money site. If new, keep it lighter and use multiple urlshortner redirects for moneysite urls. Eg gets shortened to, ************/dfsds89 etc etc and you load THESE links into SB, xrummer)
drip feed scrabebox comments to main site (small amounts, continuous)
Drip feed social spam (twitter, fb etc) to all links, use shortner redirects and normal if urls are short enough.
I use this technique for all sorts of sites, including ecommerce (hence not much internal content) in very strong niches, and it gets solid results.
They key once again is link diversity and anchor diversity.
If i discover a nice platform suitable for link dropping, that can be automated easy enough, ill throw it into the mix. If you have diversity, you can get away with a lot of spam and scraped crap, and see great results.