Article Writer 500 words - four times a month - Must have good English. How much?


Junior Member
Feb 24, 2012
Reaction score
As title.

Articles must be unique.

I will provide you with the topic and subject matter.

Articles will be pretty straightforward and available on Google and other resources.

The right candidate(s) will recieve a generous wage and we will aim to work together long term.

You must have a good level of English up to an academic standard.

PM me, or alternatively leave a post on here.


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PM has been sent. However, are you talking about only 4 articles per month of 500 words each?
Hi Sid.

Each article will be 500 words.

Non-spun. Must be unique. Subject matter will be easily to research via Google.

It will be four a month to start with.

When we find the successful candidate who pulls through - that workload will be as many as you can handle. Pay will reflect this.

I will also be testing every serious candidate - and will pay.

I will NOT ask you to write me an article for free.

Serious enquirers only
The winning candidate will be paid at-least $10+ per article.

Only quality, non-spun writers please.

No spinning. These articles are not for SEO. These are for general website content.
If you are interested please provide references and apply please. Either here or via PM me.

Your English needs to be superb, and the articles need to be non-spun and high quality.

This is a permanent position for the right person.

If this is you. Apply. Only apply if you can meet the criteria.
I can't send private messages :( send me one and I'll provide examples
With all respect, given the number of posts you have made it is really difficult for the applicants to know your terms and conditions. I request you that if in future you decide to start a thread, then please write everything in OP. It would be helpful for the applicants.

If you are interested please provide references and apply please. Either here or via PM me.

Your English needs to be superb, and the articles need to be non-spun and high quality.

This is a permanent position for the right person.

If this is you. Apply. Only apply if you can meet the criteria.

Check our thread-

Blackhatpayman is undoubtedly one of the best service providers on this Forum. OP without any second thoughts, you should go with this guy.

However, if you still can't make a choice, then feel free to PM me. I will engage my recently hired writers on your task. :)


Check our thread-

BrianKade001, duly noted. Perhaps my OP should've been more concise. So, sorry about that.

Secondly, thanks for all the PM's guys. I'll get back to you all asap.

I can have up to between 4 - 50 articles a month. There's plenty of work to go around. The business I'm involved with gets contract that are usually 12 month - this would be in part subcontracted to yourself - so the right person/people will get guaranteed work for the duration of the contract - should they want it.

I hope that makes sense. Thanks again.
Hi there,
let me know if the position is still vacant .
Sending you PM . :)
Hi there,
I've written many articles on various topics. I'd love to to do this project for you .

All my contents will be

- 100% original and Copyscape free
- Keyword rich
- LSI keywords Enhanced
- With No Spelling or Grammatical Errors

sample can be sent.
