Are You Spending Too Much Time At BHW?

Are U Trying to tell us something???


Well - pimp if that's your product you can use an email I've written for you:

I couldn't believe this was happening as
I entered her apartment, even as a guy
I could sense she was burning hot for
a wild night of sex, and she could not

As the door closed, she said "Zep, don't
say a word" and then, she slid her hand
down the front of my pants, and I could
feel my cock get hard as a pipe, and she
started to unzip my pants, and pulled out
my rock-hard cock, and slowly got down on
her knees and moved it closer to her mouth.

Then, what happened I just couldn't believe..

...She said "Zeppy! It smells like you've spent
a week banging a lagoon monster..oh my god.."

She turned to me and said "Put that animal back
in the damn barn and get the hell out of my
apartment Zep!"

Guys..listen, I want to tell you that you never
want to experience this type of embarrassment, and
to make sure you never do you need to check out
the website for a brand new product call Nodoro.

Now, I don't know what their slogan is, but it will
make sure you get more sex than you can with a smelly
tuna beater..Trust me.

Here's a slogan for them "Let her enjoy the taste, not the odor".

Best of luck,


Mods: If this post is out of line just remove it and
accept my apologies - haven't slept in three days.
wtf... this is hilarious, didn't know there was such thing. The first thing you should try doing is washing it. It usually does the trick.
I spend FAR too much time here.

I have 4 assignments due, i mean i'll do them on time, and do them well, but they're always last minute because i'm always expanding my knowledge on here and trying new things out.

Hard life 'eh ;)
hmmm interesting so thats why my cat gives me so much attention lol
Is this a good niche?
I thought it's chicks who are primarily obssessed with eliminating genital odors.
I have about 2 assignments to do for tomorrow and have i done them correctly the answer is most likely no.
I can't spend enough time here as it is max 10-15 minutes a day. I am subscribed to over 400 threads, mainly because I don't read them at the time and don't seem to have time to read them later - lol. (Maybe one day)

I wish I had more time on bhw.
I have noticed that since i have joined BHW my productivity has been down, but my knowledge is up, just need to find a way how to balance the two :-)
take 2 days off a week and use that time to build knowledge. Or take on less work :p

Time = Work = Money though. Shame we only have a limited amount!
LOL, I can't believe I watched that.

I have not been here enough cause I have this message displaying on the screen:

"Hello twinkletoes it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?"

I'm now engaged. Why it took a thread on private odors to engage me is beyond me.

Is this a good niche?
I thought it's chicks who are primarily obsessed with eliminating genital odors.

since marketers are constantly seeking niches, these kinds of product are a
good place start. discretely selling items that people feel embarrassed to buy
in person is usually profitable.

condoms, marital aids, personal hygiene products, sexy lingerie, herpes
treatments, x-rated movies, etc. all sell well via mail-order or the internet.

if you made a mini-site dedicated to selling these kinds of items you'd likely
have a major income generator. ie, dirty movies and lingerie and condoms
and toys and hygiene products all at one spot. plus many links to adults-only
sites... i don't think i have ever seen one site that had a selection like that.

hmmm... that gives me an idea... :D :D :D
I spend most of my time on BHW, while at work anyway....yes I still work. Have not achieved the level of success on IM yet to quit. That was funny fuckin' video.