Are you new? Want to make some money? Do not know where to begin? READ THIS!7 day success!


Apr 9, 2008
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After you read and act upon this this will make you some money.COLOR]

Day one

The goal for day one is to get familiar with the search feature on this board ..
Now also on this day we are going to set up some tools we will be using . Notepad .

Make a notepad on your desktop and title it my money methods part 1 make 5 more of these . So you will have part one part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5. And then make anohter one for daily notes like where you left off from so you do not loose your place .


Day two

Oh what a wonderful day . The birds are chirping the son is shining and we are going to start to figure out what we can do to make some money.

Start here

Yeah that is right start at the very first page in the money making section .

Slowly browse the titles .. I mean slowly . Look and see if any of them may be something you may be interested in .

Have you found something yet ? GOOD ! Now go over that post see something that sounds interesting I want you to copy it and paste it into part 1 . Now when you do that make sure between each method you do one these ------------------------------------------------------------------- to divide up the methods .

Now today the work begines I want you to find 5 methods that look interesting to you . Ones that look like they fit your skill level .

After you do this copy and paste the page link of where you left off at .


Day three to day six

On each of these days continue what you have started with on day two . Each day a new part.

Day seven

REVIEW all the 5 parts of the notebooks you have created . Pick one and only one of those methods and implement it . Search and find out if anything else has been said about that method as well .

This forum is a TOOL . Use it as you would any tool here in BHW . A tool is only as useful as the person opertaing the tool . So that is why these post on HOW do I make XXXX amount a day because my mom is dieing and she needs a tumor removal in 5 days . That can no longer go on here .

If you do not have time to use the tool in the simple way I just laid out then there is no one here who can help you .

I did the formentioned for 3 months . What did I gain from it ? I got to see that most the methods here at BHW are actually old methods just with peoples diffrent spin on those methods to make them unique to them .

Using any method here out of the box I doubt very seriously you will make hardly any money from it as there are alot of people who use those same methods here . So the trick to this is to change up the method and make that old method new .

Please do not PM me with questions
If you need some additional info on how to use this tool please ask here .

Thanks go to everyone here who has helped put this forum together. Please thank the people who you take time to read when using this method . I do not care if the method is 2 years old . If you read it and like it give them thanks . They deserve it for the awsome job they do sharing.
Nice, basic stuff but that's the things we should be doing to get started. I prefer reading alot and doing less lol, itll have to change though :D
Like I said at 7 days start the implementing . All noob buckets should be doing this before making I want money post or give me an idea post .
Haha Nice tips... i Have tried to learn but i need someone to coach or explain it to me
you are nice to share the tips too
Haha Nice tips... i Have tried to learn but i need someone to coach or explain it to me
you are nice to share the tips too

I apologize but most of the tutorials here are essential walk throughs . If you can not understand or need someone to hold your hand through a walk through tutorial than this may not be the best place for you .

I am not trying to be rude just stating the facts .
Haha Nice tips... i Have tried to learn but i need someone to coach or explain it to me
you are nice to share the tips too

That is the problem with you n00bs, you all need a coach to spoon fed you, somehow you have a problem to think and more important TEST for yourself. everything needs to be handed on a silver plate and even then you just fly of to the next free download, of the million $$$ a day info product.

Great post Valwardon, but i am afraid that these n00bs will keep asking the same stupid questions over and over and over again, without doing the research and work themselves.
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That is the problem with you n00bs you all need a coach to spoon fed you, somehow you have a problem to think and more important TEST for yourself.

Great post Valwardon, but i am afraid that these n00bs will keep asking the same stupid questions over and over and over again, without doing the research themselves.

I know but if we can save just one !!!! Then maybe jsut maybe they may turn out alright .. Just one DaveNL . You think this batch of noobs can have the next Harro or Nickflame in them . We just gotta bring it out of em . Get them thinking in the right direction is all .
I know but if we can save just one !!!! Then maybe jsut maybe they may turn out alright .. Just one DaveNL . You think this batch of noobs can have the next Harro or Nickflame in them . We just gotta bring it out of em . Get them thinking in the right direction is all .

I admire your faith, i really do but with the new n00bs? well i don't know it seems that the floodgates have been opened somewhere because they come from all places and angles.

But your right if we can save one it is maybe worth it, so if your a n00b and you're reading this, and feeling a little offended and intimidated, proof us wrong and get your lazy ass to work.
owh okey then.. i dun say u are rude bro.. i am blind to this stuff around >.<
ya know baby-born-like
i agree with ya too if to tell all members it cozt much time

but for replying make me feel enough
thanks anyway if my thanks worth for ya >.<
owh okey then.. i dun say u are rude bro.. i am blind to this stuff around >.<
ya know baby-born-like
i agree with ya too if to tell all members it cozt much time

but for replying make me feel enough
thanks anyway if my thanks worth for ya >.<
The birds are chirping the son is shining
m8 you spelt sun as son see if you can still edit it nice guide
Good Step By Step Methods for newbies looking to make some cash, it really shows how simeple money maing online can be if u just focus and use ur time right..
The birds are chirping the son is shining
m8 you spelt sun as son see if you can still edit it nice guide

Nah Ima leave it as is . If all you got out of it is that my spelling and gramar sucks which it does than :( . Here is a big point ehre . My speling sucks my GRAMMAR sucks . I hurry through any writeing taks that I may have as I hate it .


I still can create a killer ad copy full of misspealling and grammar errors that get people to hand me there money !!

Can you make that claim ?

Good post! I tried to give you a +rep in addition to the thanks, but it says I've got to spread it around a bit before I can give it to you again!

Chief value of this thread is not what it teaches people who have been doing this for awhile, but what it teaches newbies (not n00bs!) We were all newbies at one point, and its not really cool to look down on them just because we have a little bit of info now.

But that being said, when someone comes on and says "show me how," I will just point them to this thread and say follow the instructions and keep at it. Don't jump from thing to thing, but stick with something for awhile and learn everything you can. You can always apply what you learn doing one thing to the next thing you work on.

The other thing you have to remember is that in addition to the technical expertise you might learn from BHW or other forums, you also have to have the entrepreneurial spirit to make it work. Some people are just cut out for 9-5 jobs and the security and some people aren't. Even if they have jobs, they are still investing in whatever plan they have to break free and control their own lives. This isn't something you can teach, and if you've got it, there's no way you can keep it buried.

Finally, about spelling and grammer. I'm glad you're making money despite your mistakes, but don't take pride in either ignorance (which I don't think is true in your case) or in sloppiness. Part of persuading someone is making it as easy as possible for the thoughts in your brain to get into their brain, and making it more difficult because of grammer or spelling mistakes (unless that is part of your plan, say to appeal to uneducated people) is silly, simply because it makes the goal more difficult.

My $.02.

Thanks again for posting. You're posts are usually worth the read!


Oh, one more thing, for the newbies! If you left click someone's name, like mine dhamma_man above, you are given the option to "Find all posts by dhamma_man". Use this. If you find someone worth reading (valwardon, HaRRo, Essential Clix, WizGizmo, any of a multitude of others on here) check out their previous posts. You can learn a lot just by looking over their shoulders while they learn, and teach, this craft.

Cheers, out! :)

Good post! I tried to give you a +rep in addition to the thanks, but it says I've got to spread it around a bit before I can give it to you again!

Chief value of this thread is not what it teaches people who have been doing this for awhile, but what it teaches newbies (not n00bs!) We were all newbies at one point, and its not really cool to look down on them just because we have a little bit of info now.

But that being said, when someone comes on and says "show me how," I will just point them to this thread and say follow the instructions and keep at it. Don't jump from thing to thing, but stick with something for awhile and learn everything you can. You can always apply what you learn doing one thing to the next thing you work on.

The other thing you have to remember is that in addition to the technical expertise you might learn from BHW or other forums, you also have to have the entrepreneurial spirit to make it work. Some people are just cut out for 9-5 jobs and the security and some people aren't. Even if they have jobs, they are still investing in whatever plan they have to break free and control their own lives. This isn't something you can teach, and if you've got it, there's no way you can keep it buried.

Finally, about spelling and grammer. I'm glad you're making money despite your mistakes, but don't take pride in either ignorance (which I don't think is true in your case) or in sloppiness. Part of persuading someone is making it as easy as possible for the thoughts in your brain to get into their brain, and making it more difficult because of grammer or spelling mistakes (unless that is part of your plan, say to appeal to uneducated people) is silly, simply because it makes the goal more difficult.

My $.02.

Thanks again for posting. You're posts are usually worth the read!


Oh, one more thing, for the newbies! If you left click someone's name, like mine dhamma_man above, you are given the option to "Find all posts by dhamma_man". Use this. If you find someone worth reading (valwardon, HaRRo, Essential Clix, WizGizmo, any of a multitude of others on here) check out their previous posts. You can learn a lot just by looking over their shoulders while they learn, and teach, this craft.

Cheers, out! :)

Always an insightful one :) Honestly I do market to people of the background in which I grew up . Poor and uneducated . Slow and easy . Lazy I am not but I do like to take things easy at times .

Yes people do tend to look down on newbies . That is the way it is no matter where you go . If you are new some place any place you are looked down upon until you can prove yourself one of the pack . This is kinda bred into us . No getting around that .

Yes we are a pack . A pack of wolves amoungst the sheep . Here at BHW the ripping that we do on newbies is for there own good . It seperates who is serious and who is not . The ones who are not serious will say screw you a$$holes I am out of here . The ones who are serious will say Screw you guys I will show you . Those are the ones we want in part of our lovely comunity here . The few that stand out amoungst the crowd . The few who prove thereselves to be WOLVES amoungst the sheep !
Thank you for the starting point. I have been browsing this forum for some time now as well as starting some basic sites to play around with. the only thing about your post that I question is the timeline. why so long? When I start into something I often see the sun rise before I realize how much time I have spent on my project. why do you sugest such a short time at work on this? I stayed up three days getting my first site up. It would seem those that are going to realy do anything with this would be anxious to get to it not take a little step a day. Just my thought.
but again Thank you for the post..... watch me fly:D
Well threads like this serve a purpose for current newbies who come across it, so I don't see anything wrong with it. But noobs are going to be noobs until they learn to relax naturally. If it's the constant opening of threads that we are worried about, then just have a newbie section where they can only open threads in that section until they reach a certain amount of posts before they can open them all over.
Sometimes that simplest things is what is going to make a difference.

I like how this basically breaks down to research, decide what you are going to do, and then go do it. You could be stuck here forever if all you did was read and research.

Thank you,
