Are there Ways to Use the Tricks Learned Here to Trick the System and Gain Legitimate Followers, Likes and Comments?


Jul 6, 2020
Reaction score
I came to this site because of suggestion to use a program to get people onto my Instagram page. It has a lot of followers already at 25k, but I get very little comments and only maybe 600 likes a post, also my growth has been stagnant for a while now. I see all kinds of services and little tricks like using SEO and all kinds of techniques all over the forum. Are there any neat little methods I could do to raise my numbers that I am not thinking of? And I am not just looking for numbers per se, but legitimate followers who actively use Instagram and will comment and like my posts. I post at least once a week and post stories too. My content is almost exclusively food posts, though my stories are more broad and just whatever I find interesting. Maybe there are ways to trick people into following my page and then sticking around because they like the content? Like how if you have a Facebook account, you are automatically logged in on other websites so you can use your profile to comment and etc., maybe there is a way that if you are already logged into you Instagram account, you would automatically start following an account if you ended up on a specific site? Or maybe just some trick to get my content in front of as many eyeballs of people who like my content as possible, with some way of getting them to want to follow? The point of this is to get companies to eventually want to sponsor me so I can make money off of my account instead of doing nothing with the following I already have. I don't know, this site is overwhelming and reading all of it is interesting, but I don't have that much technical know-how as far as hacking and all of that. I mean, I can do a lot of things on a computer, just anything involving a lot of math and code are above my skill level. Anyway, I am curious to see what kinds of suggestions I get, maybe others can learn from it too. Thanks, this site is great!