Are there any full Youtube Automators?


Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
With captcha bypassing account creation, mass video upload, and friend/comment adding?
Because only like 1 out of 5 tries, if that, can get the captcha right. XRumer bypasses captchas, but you gotta remember that not all of them are the same! YouTube's captcha is actually quite difficult for a program to depict each character. They are different fonts, sizes, colors, some have weird markings on the edges of the letters, placed in different corners. By the time you created 100 accounts, you would have half your proxies banned by YouTube for too many failed login attempts. If your proxy is transparent, you risk having your real IP banned. If you have any accounts created with that IP (legit or bot), those will be suspended.

So the short answer is, it really isn't practical for someone to attempt to automate youtube's captcha. In order for that, the coder would have to spend countless hours coding and finding a way to get YouTube's captcha right, majority of the time. That will jack up the price for that software. 1 because it would be the only one that can break youtube captcha, and 2 it took the coder 500 hours to freaking figure it out. Who wants to pay $500 for a youtube bot that wont work without a new update once YouTube changes things up again like they always do.

It just isn't practical for everyone, the coder nor the end user.

(btw I used to use privately released software such as TonyVegasOCR, OnCrackingRampage, and a few of the others in the xxx cracking scene. They each crack a different type of captcha, and you had to tweak it for every different site!)
very interesting shudogg

isn't it just a matter of time before somebody gets it though?

as somebody wrote before, "impossible just takes more time" (good quote :-P)
yeah, google's (youtube's) CAPTCHA is one of the hardest to break. Xrummer usually goes completely around the captcha instead of cracking it. That may not be possible with YouTube
I guess as shudogg said if one ever does come out its going to be expensive lol
Or if someone works out a way around... they just wont share it :D
Youtube advertiser demo:

http://www.blackhat team
We just released it. Too bad I can't post it in the BST section. This bot breaks captchas with

There are also tutorial videos but it's in a different forum so I cant post it here :( Just pm me if you need it.