Are Estibot keyword stats accurate?


Junior Member
Sep 18, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,
Sorry if this is a noob question. Does anyone know how accurate Estibot stats are for keyword searches? That is broad search and exact search? I am getting an exact match count off Estibot for a phrase of 300k and ubersuggest is giving 5k.

I already own the domain so it's irrelevant but just wondering which one is the most accurate?

i check one of my keyword. Its not even in the database. so hard to trust.
I agree with the lack of trust. The phrase I am looking at is a political one which was as popular as 'Make America Great Again'. it isn't that one though
itical one which was as popular as 'Make America Great Again'. it isn't that one though
may be you could check in google adwords tool which is free. they will definitely give fair idea.
may be you could check in google adwords tool which is free. they will definitely give fair idea.
Good point. I had an AdWords account that I closed a couple of months ago. I will reopen it. :)
Good point. I had an AdWords account that I closed a couple of months ago. I will reopen it. :)

Adwords doesn't offer this free anymore. If you don't spend anything within an X period of time, they give you estimated ranges. For more accurate data, you need to spend on ads, but idk what the minimum is.