Anyone used localbitcoin site to buy btc??


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2014
Reaction score
I see someone registered for 10+ days that has 26 confirmed trades and 100% feedback.

I'm protected by their escrow?
10 days is very little.

Maybe they created a few accounts and they're buying from themselves? You never know. BTC is full of scams.
LBC is safe if you use an escrow. If seller disappears and you've already made the payment, the BTCs are still in escrow and LBC staff would release it when you open a dispute with payment proofs.
It's very safe as long as transaction is online.
I use it all the time, it's great.

Trade with someone that has 100% good feedback and at least 1000+ if you want to be as risk free as possible. Sometimes new traders appear with the best rates and allot of the time they are legit but there obviously are many scammers in that world!