Anyone Paid by Adscendmedia this month already?


Regular Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Hello, anyone here have been paid by adscendmedia for last months earnings already? Im on net15 and I havent been paid yet. No replies on pms although I can see my manager online, and no replies on emails I sent too. Im just being paranoid cause I was a victim of cpa lead's cheating frenzy last month.
its fixed already. Sorry was just paranoid because of what happened last month with the other network. :D
im still waiting for my payment, emails sent no reply

are you on net15 too? if you were from net30 and was just changed to net15 or net15-net7, that may be the problem. Thats what happened with my, thats my my payment was skipped. Its better if you contact them via aim.
nope nothing to do with net payment! i have contacted them with aim email and still nothing.
^ what he said. because again, everyone was paid on time and we have never missed a payment date in our histroy. if you haven't received it first check if the payment is listed on your account -- if not you weren't due payment (ie if your leads are only from August). if it is listed then there was an issue with the payment itself, such as incorrect transfer wire info.
Jeremy - thank you, dint have to even reply to you here as my impatiance gets the better of me sometimes.

Adscend is just the best at the min by far!!!
its fixed already. Sorry was just paranoid because of what happened last month with the other network. :D

Don't worry mate thats only natural, patience is they key.
Just don't wait too long lol.