Anyone hit by recent updates did your rankings revert back or no?


Power Member
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
There were some serp shifts in the past week or two that some saw, did you notice your ranking changes revert back to before the shifts or did it stay the same?

I'm curious as I lost a few places in my rankings for a day then it reverted back. I'm wondering if it was part of a Google test or if it was a regular Google dance.

On one of my sites there was a big dip around december 9 or so. Everything's back to normal now.
Damn I hope it's not a sign of things to come with the penguin update though if it truly live maybe fixing it will be easier. I didn't see huge drops though but one keyword for example went from position 9 to 11 or 12.
I didn't notice any changes with my rankings.
yes yes yes I did notice changes
look in my post history, I posted about this a few days ago
my rankings are back where they used to be
definitely some kind of algorithm change going on
I am just curious, did you do keyword stuffing? did you mention keywords excessively?
I have done a lot of thinking and my conclusion is this was a keyword stuffing update.
yes yes yes I did notice changes
look in my post history, I posted about this a few days ago
my rankings are back where they used to be
definitely some kind of algorithm change going on
I am just curious, did you do keyword stuffing? did you mention keywords excessively?
I have done a lot of thinking and my conclusion is this was a keyword stuffing update.

No keyword stuffing, I run a business site so I don't (intentionally at least) do that. I do have some anchor text links that have a 4-6% ratio though, so I was wondering if it is maybe it is a sign of a penguin test.
it was a small mashup, everything is back up
everything looks good on my end. no big changes.