Anyone have friends in ACN (MLM)?

I knoz about this, if your friends or family don't agree with you they ask you to stay away from them, they call them 'red apples'
Brainwash brainwash and brainwash until you think only about this...

They sell some product that are outdated and make you believe that is a revolution.

I had a friend in ACN 2 years ago, he became almost crazy, he loose all his friends (me inside) now he is working in a supermarket.
Compete with 1000s of IMers promoting the same products or pay a bit and promote a product that only 10-20 people are promoting online. That's what I use MLM for and it works.

So why not choose an affiliate product only promoted by 10-20 people instead? No need to pay 500 for the privilege of selling something.
To syme00, I feel bad for your friend. As mentioned he made a mistake that many make. It has nothing to do with red apples, it has to do with not bothering people. You have to be smart and not piss people off especially your friends and family.

To ThreadKiller. everyone keeps on mentioning the $500 to sell. I personally had to spend $300 before I started making money in IM and you make it sound so easy. Just find a small affiliate and promote. For someone starting up in IM unless they're lucky to make any money. I've made more money in MLM in the first year with a lot less time than 1 year in IM. Also many other business have annual fees to work. As an example real-estate agents. In my area, they pay $1000 plus a year to be able to sell a product.

Anyway MLM is not for everyone. I personally suck at IM but make a little money. I can't drive traffic for shit and after 5 years i still don't get SEO :). MLM kind of came easy to me especially because I understood the product.
What did I say in this thread that warranted a neg rep? Get a life!
I already closed profitable business because other partners ruined it trying to sell MLM shit, you only learn how bad this thing is after a brainwashing session.

Some people keep fucking thenselves years and years with that crap.

Can't anyone notice that in a MLM there's no money input?
I would stay away from this company and its IBO's. They pressure you to join and don't tell you about the monthly back office fees up front and annual renewal. Once you join, you are given a script to read and if your friends have questions, you are supposed to tell them how one of the top big wigs has taken some time away from his busy schedule to come to your house "this week" and you have to come and meet him. He can answer all of your questions. Your "friend" will tell you how he makes 6 figures every month and you have to meet this "AWESOME ROCKSTAR". Everything in their lives become ACN this, ACN that, Rockstars, etc. Their IBO's are brainwashed. I've lost a few friends because of this. It's a shame that for those I know, it has all become about money and they have lost several real friendships. It's sad.
Lol, these threads always make me laugh. MLM only sucks if you can't market/sell.

And for the people saying things like "they don't tell you about the fees etc" that's up to YOU to do your OWN due diligence before you invest.
