Anyone has success with AdultForce?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
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I'm promoting adultforce porn offers like a brazzers etc 3 months now on my blog which has 1200-1400 organic visitors per day from Google and I have 35-40 clicks per day to offers. My blog is about Pornstars which is totally relevant. I have total 1700 clicks and zero sales. I'm promoting cam offers pps too like a awempire and cherry tv and also havent done any sale. Only some registrations and thats all. Anyone has success with Adultforce or overall with adult sites?
Took me 6 months before I saw profit with porn reupload method and cam offers, a few years ago.

Before starting out, I had read that that's usually how long it took before seeing your first earnings.

Eventually those signups will start making you some money.
Took me 6 months before I saw profit with porn reupload method and cam offers, a few years ago.

Before starting out, I had read that that's usually how long it took before seeing your first earnings.

Eventually those signups will start making you some money.
Your method promoting is different. Organic traffic always better
Your method promoting is different. Organic traffic always better

It all depends on what you're trying to sell.

Organic traffic is better, only if the product you're trying to sell is the cure, remedy, or process for achieving something.

Organic traffic for pr0n is different. Most of the horny people landing on your site are looking for the perfect 5 minute clip or picture to unload their load and then bounce.

You should probably check out this thread:
Although some marketers had a great deal of success for adult offers, and the results vary heterogeneously. There are many other changes you can make, such as optimizing your content or testing out some new offers and targeting promotions — all things to consider with constant traffic like yours. Interacting with your target audience and enhancing the customer experience could be useful streamlining conversion rates for adult websites.
Although some marketers had a great deal of success for adult offers, and the results vary heterogeneously. There are many other changes you can make, such as optimizing your content or testing out some new offers and targeting promotions — all things to consider with constant traffic like yours. Interacting with your target audience and enhancing the customer experience could be useful streamlining conversion rates for adult websites.
I have tested many adult offers but zero sales. I know if i will start promoting PPL offers i can get some leads, maybe 1-2 leads per week, but thats not serious money. Thats why i promote PPS offers, because there is much more potential. In awempire I have 25+ leads already but no one actually spent money.