Anyone can help me out with bulk emailing


Regular Member
May 6, 2011
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Ok, so I'm trying to figure out a way I can send around 500 emails a day, but I dont really want to sit there all day and send them one-by-one, and I don't want to really go the bcc route either.

Is there a script, or program out there, I can setup up to send my gmail drafts while I'm away?
I can help you with sending <2k e-mails per day - 99% inboxing rate if you don't have a way too spammy ad copy. Send me a PM.
Cool. I'm actually looking for a script or program (I'm thinking Imacros), but not a service because some of the emails require me to change things, etc, and it would be too much of a hassle.

What do you recommend?
Also, look around on here and find a copy of the Interspire emailer.

Most normal hosting accounts will allow 300 or so emails every hour, and you can set this Interspire up on your hosting and accomplish this with a simple email blast.

The version I have works great... And you just have to check around in the DL section to find it...
Sign up for a shared hosting account that allows between 200-500/hour and install Interspire. Set your throttle so that it used 90% of your limit per hour.

At OP - how does each email have to be different? Explain?

Start with the method above and then scale up. As long as you are not scamming or sending plain junk and trying to make pennies, you'll be OK.
500 emails a day is not Bulk mailing.. are you kidding
use gmail smtps for this