Well, its 14th August now.
Hopefully things change.
Official summary on 14th August.
Traffic keep rolling but conversion drop to the least of all time of my current campaign
I have lost about 60% of my average earnings. SUCKS big time.
Weekend traffic will make up for it I'm sure.
Posted via Mobile Device
I have had the worst day of my life man :S In the weekends im a deejay in a big club. Normally i use my computer and cd players to play music from. First i stepped on some freaking nail and hurt my foot, then my shoe got wet because i stepped on the nail. Then at the club, everything was fine. But suddenly my external harddrive broke down (some of the best tunes i use is on that one) 10 min after, my computer freaked out and stopped working. 1 hour after that one of the cd players freaked out and started skipping in the music. Then the other one did the same. After that the monitor went kaboom... Worst day of my freaking life man! Good friday 13 is over now. Tomorrow will be a good day!!!
I'd a great day -- an extra special and a very happy day on Friday the 13th!
My passport # also totals to 13, and I got it on a Friday some 18 years ago. I was also able to work in US, UK, Saudi Arabia, and visited France (Paris) and Kuwait City using it. So all the 13ths, and Fridays, etc are good for me.
Anyway, Superstition is in the mind -- if you believe a Friday the 13th will be extra bad for you, then it's going to be just that!