i f#cking hate christmas,
its just a bunch of hypocrisy, you don`t like who i am or what i do? then don`t pretend that you do just cause its the hollidays.
i only visit my aunt, she helped me trough some tough years, and she really loves it when i visit her on the hollydays, i`ll go there for 2 hours just to make her happy. and for the rest i watch some manga and make some money or something. on the 26th i party my brains out and just get uber drunk. there`s a big party every year in an old castle called "angels and bitches", very loud techno (schranz actualy) and to much hot babes to handle.
that has been my x-mas for the last 5 years.
last year and the year before, i just dumped my girlfriend with her parents for 3 days and did my own thing.
must be some childhood isues or something, but i really hate the december month just because of this so called hollyday.
just stuffing your face all day. just think off al those people who can`t do stuff like that and are going hungry, or litle girls in asia who have to work 16 hour shifts, or even worse, when we all are thinking all the misery stops for these 2 days.
well that was my little frustration on this topic, i could gop on for hours, but i`ll stop here.
also madinaz, i`m sorry to hear about your cancer, hope all works out for the best.
be strong and you will be amazed what your body can overcome!!