Any registrar ignores Subpoena/legal notice?


Power Member
Nov 6, 2012
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I am looking for registrar which ignores subpoena/legal notice from US. Is that possible the registrar don't share my personal info after getting the subpoena from lawyer?

Note: We are selling network hardware products.
Search for "bulletproof registrar" will give you the kind of registrars you are looking for or just do a whois on the top global torrent site domains.
Just also make sure your TLD is not icann regulated, if not they will just take down your domain even if the registrar may ignore them
Maybe you should contact and discuss about your use cases.
Search for "bulletproof registrar" will give you the kind of registrars you are looking for or just do a whois on the top global torrent site domains.
Thanks mate, Contacted couple of registrar, one of them is based on Malaysia and said they "can" ignore the Subpoena as they don't have physical address. Not sure about them, will keep searching.
I used this one for more than 2 years

I believe that in addition to ignoring DMCA, also ignore it
This truly opened my eyes.. absolutely had no clue that there were registrars that could ignore subpoena's. Maybe that's my own ignorance on display but I truly had no idea. Are there any others to suggest other than these (mere curiosity) as I can't imagine I'm the only one viewing this thread that didn't know this.
I've a .com registered domain, need to transfer it from godaddy. I see register .com domains.
.com can be won from ICANN and seized after 1 year of court non-appearence and not willing to cooperate. Make the .com a redirect to .is .la or .gd domain so that people can still use both
.com can not be seized for redirecting to .is
.com can be won from ICANN and seized after 1 year of court non-appearence and not willing to cooperate. Make the .com a redirect to .is .la or .gd domain so that people can still use both
.com can not be seized for redirecting to .is
Got ya mate, thanks for the heads up.
Got ya mate, thanks for the heads up.
You should implement this whole guide for your own niche:
You can also grab a .su domain, in practice they need to send the court letter in the Soviet Union if they find their location.

This truly opened my eyes.. absolutely had no clue that there were registrars that could ignore subpoena's. Maybe that's my own ignorance on display but I truly had no idea. Are there any others to suggest other than these (mere curiosity) as I can't imagine I'm the only one viewing this thread that didn't know this. a more badass alternative to
.com can be won from ICANN and seized after 1 year of court non-appearence and not willing to cooperate. Make the .com a redirect to .is .la or .gd domain so that people can still use both
.com can not be seized for redirecting to .is
Received the subpoena email from Namecheap, I already request for the transfer (they take a week for transfer). Will they hold the transfer request?
Also, do you know any other bulletproof registrar accept .ca domains?
Received the subpoena email from Namecheap, I already request for the transfer (they take a week for transfer). Will they hold the transfer request?
Also, do you know any other bulletproof registrar accept .ca domains?
I don't know but i assume they will seize it. I never let things go down that much. :)
No experience with .ca however I can't remember the name but there was I think a German company offering to register these that does not care much. Maybe you should search BHW.
I used this one for more than 2 years

I believe that in addition to ignoring DMCA, also ignore it
Prohibited Content:
We try to keep an open mind as possible but have few simple rules you as a customer have to follow:
  • Child Pornography.
  • Threatening, Racial, or otherwise Abusive content.
  • Fraud, MLM (Multi-Level Marketing), Pyramid schemes, or any other activities deemed to be fraudulent.
  • DDoS/Flood attack sending traffic is against policies & law.
  • Botnets/Virus/Malware/IRC or IRC Bots.
  • Anything than can result in Spamhaus listing.
  • Network Abuse / IP Spoofing.
  • Terrorist Websites.
Any other content not listed above is deemed as Allowed.

Plus a completely unknown hoster. Nice combination. ;)
I don't know but i assume they will seize it. I never let things go down that much. :)
No experience with .ca however I can't remember the name but there was I think a German company offering to register these that does not care much. Maybe you should search BHW.
They are sending the subpoena to the hosting company(got multiple domains on different registrar and hosting), I don't think they will hold/seize the domain(who knows).
Searched on bhw, found a thread but most of them don't have .ca option.
Easydns and register .ca domains, bpw is expensive.
What @RoyalOffshore said is totally right.

You can have a domain in Namecheap (< for example), all your data and whois information are stored in Namecheap Servers and database.
If police or law suit want to catch you, they will use tools (DomainTools Whois History) is a good tool to see where you have been registrated with domain.

They will follow, they will investigate who is behind the domain in XXXX Year. The owner and all details behind the domain.

If you transfer to, you will be "Anonymous" for some Anti-Piracy Groups, but if they have court order or police are investigating you.
The FIRST thing they will do, is searching for old data like old Whois History, old IP History, reverse whois etc.

If you want to make you "Anonymous" you will need to register a new domain, is better and much more secure than "keep with the same" like I said there are records behind.
For example if you are in Hosting that is not offshore, your IP is exposed probably you will be recorded in IP History from a domain and others tools.

You need to register a new domain, pay with cryptocurrency like XMR or Monero, and you will be more safe than before.

There are plenty tools to discover > who is behind a website. Also some of them are TOTALLY FREE, others you need to pay to have full access.

You can be traceable if you use, Cloudflare are now giving details Info, IP address is not secure anymore. Is good only to hide your IP from server.
But with court order, they will give your login IPs, timestamps etc etc etc...

You must configure a VM encrypted and use VPN to access all things, never login with VPN your social media, personal email etc. You never will know if a VPN is logging or not. So probably, you need to make sure, you don't do shit like this one. is the best, is good alternative, is another one.

**Keep in mind, you can still be traceable it depends on the country and what you will do. My friend if you do something very illegal, forget. You can be jailed for years, if is something "low" and not HIGHLY illegal, you will be fine until you reach the top on the mountain.

When you website is being famous, you will be in trouble trust me. When you website is "medium" or not so famous, the troubles are much more less.