Any Free WordPress Hosts To Learn On?


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2008
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Hey all!

I'm looking for a free WordPress host that will allow me to add plugins, scripts, ads, and to upload themes, etc. Basically, I'd like someplace where I can play and experiment with WordPress and some of the toys we have on here, and can start over again with another account if (when) I screw it up.

I know its best to work through set-up problems, but sometimes its better (IMHO), and more time effective, to start with an entirely clean plate.

I don't really care if the account gets deleted after a few days, as when I'm happy with a final result, I will get a paid account on HostG*ator or somewhere and re-create it there.

Any other ideas as to how best to learn WP and use of add-ons would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks! :)
Sure, I can help. I can set you up a blog on my site and let you learn. I am the only one with ftp access though.
Hey, dhamma_man,

so this means you don't have a host. And it means you have no basic skills how to setup a webserver on your local machine, this is pretty bad. You will hardly have success and should start at a different point.

My recommendation is:
- Setup XAMPP (apache bundle with different helpful things) on your local machine (or if you have linux, just get apache and mysql
== you do not need a remote host
- Learn about apache & mysql thouroughly
- If you do not have it: Some basic linux skills are also a MUST, install a VirtualBox and learn some basic linux

There are certainly different possibilities to make BH$, some w/o deeper knowledge, you could also check the forum for that.

Why don't you get free hosting at 000(host).com? You can play there until your blue in the face. If you don't want to do that, I could set you up. Of course, you would only have FTP access, but you could definitely learn on it. But you can't upload anything offensive, like porn, warez, or anything else like that.

By the way, I do like the above posters idea about setting up your own localhost. I did that probably like five years ago and learned a lot. It would allow you to learn and understand LAMP. Hell, it helped me a lot and I am dumb as a rock. lol

There are no free wordpress hosts that will allow you to upload your own wp-plugins, as this would be a major security issue if they did (however if anyone know of any let me know :scool: ).

As per previous recommendations install a websever locally and play there it is vey easy to do. Tip: if installing locally, ensure that you have Skype turned off during the install, as they have commendeered port 80 and it causes apache not to work!
I would vote against trying to install your own Apache server. If anything, you should just go ahead and get an account with HostGator. They're extremely cheap and if you're not a complete idiot you should easily be able to make back the $$$ you spend on it monthly.
Hey all!

First, I'd like to appologize for not getting back sooner. My cable connection (Mediacom) was down most of yesterday. I really appreciate the response. The best thing about BHW is the freely given help of many of the members.

First, iamgf, yeah, I figured that the plugins would be an issue, but since that is a large part of the usefulness of WP, that is the reason I was/ am looking for one that would allow it. I agree with the local webserver idea (DOH!) and will be doing that to start. Thanks (Big Time!) for the tip on Skype.

Second, cooooookies, (enough o's?) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I have Wampserver already installed (did that to play with Joombla) and didn't even think about using it for WP! I've downloaded WP and will install it today or tomorrow. At some point, I will still have to be online so that I can see how some of the plugins function. One thing I would like to see is how the autoblogging plugins work, and I don't think I can do that on my local webserver.

Third, justthinking, thanks for the heads up about 000(host).com. I'll check it out, and if it allows what I'm looking for, will probably use it as the next step after the local server setup/ learning curve.

Finally, laserblast, I will probably be going with HostGator, but I want to have a clear-cut idea of what I'm going to do with it beforehand. I had an account with them a couple of years ago, and never was able to make a dime (of course, that was long before I discovered BHW!) Take it as a given that I was a complete idiot at that point (no guarantees that I'm not STILL one!)

Anyways, thanks to all who responded, and I've clicked on each of your "Thanks" buttons. I'd give +rep to a few of you, but I understand you have to have 50 posts before you get to do so.

Happy $$$hunting to all!!:)
Hey all!

Third, justthinking, thanks for the heads up about 000(host).com. I'll check it out, and if it allows what I'm looking for, will probably use it as the next step after the local server setup/ learning curve.

I don't know if you tried the host I recommended or not yet, but they do allow you to change your theme. Let me know if you have are are having any problems.
Or you can try x10 hosting. They have Fantastico [tons of stuff]. I've been playing around with wp there myself. Full-featured WP except for customer support. There's a bit of waiting time (max 24 hours) to get your site up and activated. But I've created (and deleted) about 4 sites from there already. [Note: BEFORE installing WP, I suggest you request for an upgrade to Intermediate PHP...just tell them it's to install WP. And from there, it should be cool.] Just thought you might wanna check it out.
what's the catch for x10hosting? why they offering stuff for free?

I dunno...Revenue for the ads they put on the "Ad-3nhanced" plans I guess; I don't know what's up with the "Ad-fre3" plan, though.

But I'm gonna have to retract what I've said before...They're currently importing everything to a new server I think and I haven't been able to access my site for over a week now. I'm this close to sending them a stinker email *expletives purposely deleted* ...I'm gonna go try and sign up for a new account again tonight, see if it holds up.
try installing Xammp on your local machine, this way you'll learn the basics.

• wordpress effective setup
• install plugins like a madman
• create wordpress themes with ease