How is it for non-Spanish speakers? What is the culture like? Cost of living? The Women?
I want to get out of the states for an extended amount of time.
I won't lie - it is easier if you know Spanish, but it's not required. There are plenty of American communities, and I have friends that have lived here for 4-5 years that still barely know spanish, and they get by just fine.
The culture is pretty laid back. Pretty lazy, non-confrontational, easy-going. There is something called "tico time" here (the locals refer to themselves as ticos). They're rarely on time, and don't mind waiting all day long in lines to get stuff done. It is a culture shock coming from the fast-paced, hurry-hurry lifestyle in the states, but I rather enjoy the slow-paced lifestyle down here. Nobody in a rush to get stuff done - they like to enjoy life, and it's awesome.
Cost of living is what you make it. The average salary for locals is around $400/month. Personally, I live on about $2,000/month, and that's me living in luxury, eating out all the time, going out with the guys, partying, etc.
The women - very nice

If you like latinas, then it's heaven. As a foreigner, it's like an open invitation to them. And if you're tall, even better. I'm 6'3, and the female attention that I get is rather welcoming.
The nightlife is kickass. Ticos love to have fun; they love to drink beer, guaro (a sugarcane alcohol), rum, whiskey, tequila, dance until wee hours of the morning. They're very social, nice, and ready to help. Just don't treat them like you're better than them or anything. They're friendly to Americans - but there is a whole set of gringos here who do nothing but complain about life and Costa Rica, and if you're that type of person, you might want to rethink living here.
I guess that's about it. It's just a kickass place