ANSWER ASSAULT - Ultimate Yahoo Answers Software Package/Bot!

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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
MODERATOR NOTE: Per I made on July 17, 2015,
I am now closing this thread. After the OP has renewed his/her Jr. VIP
membership, he/she may contact a moderator to re-open this thread.

Thank You - "Wiz"

50 Million Users in The Palm of Your Hand
Crazy, right?!
Read on.

Yahoo Answers receives 50 million visitors per day.
Imagine if you could receive even 1% of that share to your website?
You'd hit a gold mine, right?
Well, it's easier than you think with Answer Assault, the Ultimate Yahoo Answers Marketing Solution

See, traditional online marketing methods are just not working any more.
SEO takes too long, buying traffic is a gamble and email marketing is risky.
Understanding your concerns, I have put my 8 years of internet marketing experience
to developing one of the most unique and stress free systems ever created!
From boosting your search engine rankings, quadrupling your traffic and increasing your sales,
Answer Assault makes this possible in less than ten minutes a day!​

Luckily, Answer Assault lets you shortcut through boring promotion work and
fly in front of your competitors at a fraction of their cost, leaving you more time to reap the rewards!​

Key Features:

Manual/Semi-Automatic/Automatic Account Creation (with Anti-Captcha)
Full Account Management Options
Post/Answer Your Own Questions
Token/Message Spinning
Add 'Delay' During Posting
Vote Answer as 'Best Answer'
Import/Use Pre-Written Questions/Answers
Integrated Proxy Support with Auto Rotation
Detailed Usage Guide/Documentation
Newbie Friendly Tutorial Videos and Coaching
Free Lifetime Updates (LOTS to come)
Free Lifetime Support (Live Chat)

And much much more.

How does Answer Assault compare to other applications?

This is still a virtually untapped market, which means there are almost no other applications available.
And, those that are available, are either ridiculously difficult to use, very expensive or are not working at all!
Answer Assault, takes Yahoo marketing to a whole different level. Offering a simple user interface, easy to use
features and unprecedented functionality, we guarantee nothing else compares to Answer Assault.

Refund Policy

All purchases are entitled to a full 30 day money back guarantee.
If you're not happy, no problem! Give us an idea of what we can improve on and we'll promptly refund your payment.

Buy Now!

As an introductory BHW offer, get Answer Assault today for only $57!
But this special price WILL expire after 20 copies have been sold.
There is nothing in the world that compares to Answer Assault on price, quality and simplicity
and we dare you to find something of such a standard cheaper.

Use code 'ANSBHW' to score the discount

NOTE: If the above link shows up blank, simply copy and paste the URL back into your browser and it'll show up properly - thanks!

10 Remaining Copies At $57
Approved! . . . Very useful for Yahoo Answers marketers. Full support. and you can immediately see that a lot of care and effort went into the making of this app.

NOTE: I have spoken with the author of this app and he has expressed the fact that he is very open to users' suggestions for future updates/versions as well. So be assured that this is not a "one-shot", fly-by-night product. It will evolve more and more as time goes on.

Best of luck with your sales rickstar! :)

I've actually given out a review copy to one of the mods, so that should arrive soon.

In regards to everyone else, one review copy can also be given to a Jr.VIP with 15+ reputation.

Thanks for the review copy....
I will install it and work with it....

I will post the review as soon as i am done with it.

How many computer i can use it with one license? Is it multi threaded?
Damn, I really want this. Will bookmark this thread for later.

Good luck with sales! :)
Might as well purchase later, used to do Yahoo Answers before :) Linking this thread from that thread(method) , hopefully you will get some extra sales :)

Currently, there is one license available per computer with additional licenses costing $15. However, the five users are entitled to a second license free of charge with every purchase!

Multi-threading is quite messy with HTTP elements, so instead the program uses another system for faster processing. But, keep in mind this is the first release so anything is possible ;)

Few of the things we're working on now.

- Pull all questions from specific category
- Question 'spy' automatically retrieve questions under your keyword every x minutes
- Automatically answer all retrieved questions

The next few weeks should be exciting!
Just bought the tool. Looks very interesting ;) Cant have enough of targeted traffic ;)
I don't think you mentioned anywhere anything regarding Proxies or am I wrong?
just bought it.
will play around with it the next days as soon as i have some time left.
+rep and itrader given for the product.

greets, darkstar69
looking forward to the reviews...looks promising...

also wouldn't mind a review copy...if avail :-)

I did :) "Integrated Proxy Support with Auto Proxy Rotation"


Great, sending key.


This is the first EVER release, so if for any reason you experience any problems let me know and I'll see to it that they get fixed ASAP! :)
To those asking for review copies, please read HaRRo's thread below:

The author has given out all all of the review copies he feels necessary for now, so please refrain from asking for more review copies.

Thank you in advance for complying . . . :)

how does it handle the yahoo bans? with IP's
how does it work with lvl2 accounts, does the bot notice them and let them ask questions and answer with other accounts?

and can you post CB aff links without problems?
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