and now another reason why ebay/paypal sucks


Elite Member
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
well, i knew it was way to good to be true.

i found a hot hot hot hot hot item to sell/dropship this holiday season on ebay. I made up almost xx,xxx dollars in sales w/ over XXX purchases over the past two weeks on just this one item alone.


ok, back to the topic.

well, here's where gaypal f#cked this up. Normally i'd transfer my money out of gaypal to my bank account....but with gaypal's debit card and plug in I thought that i could save some time and get the item out to the buyers fast.

but the problem is that gaypal has 30 purchases limit per day. That means if i had 500 people to drop ship for, i can only drop ship 30 fcking items a day.

what's worse is that my drop shipper charges a $1 right when i make a purchase and then the rest of the amount once it ships. SO if i make 1 purchase from my supplier it counts as two purchases from gaypal. that means i can only make 15 purchases a day.

That sucks for me because i had to get these orders out asap for the holidays....I had to email my customers and say there order is going to be delayed. roughly 1/3 requested a refund. 2/3 didn't care

i called gaypal 5 times yesterday wondering why my card kept getting declined from my dropshipper when i had XX,XXX in my account. and they're like 'duh, you're card has a 30 purchase limit' and i'm all...' I am making ebay sales, are you sayiing i can only have 30 sales a day, is there any way you can work around that?' and their like 'i'm sorry the limit is set in stone.'

THIS IS SO FKING NOT FAIR!!!!! I can't use my own payment method...ebay forces me to use gaypal...and gaypal will only let me make 30 purchases a day.:confused::confused::confused::confused:
Getting a real credit card merchant company setup is not that tough. You can have one setup in a couple days. However check this source out (I'm not an affiliate).
aww man that really sucks. I bet it was a wii wasnt it? people are all over that item like stink on, well, you know the rest
aww man that really sucks. I bet it was a wii wasnt it? people are all over that item like stink on, well, you know the rest

actually, the cool thing was this was not a wii or any electronic. i thought 'outside the box' and went for a different niche.

Were you doing this in a personal, premier or business account?

I thought Premier and Business were unlimited, by I could be wrong (again).
your XX,XXX in sales were how much profit though after covering the product, egay, and gaypal fees?
Why don't you just use your own merchant account like I do with Ebay and avoid the whole paypal Bull$hit. Your money is in your account within 2 days with no limitations. If you need help getting one let me know, I have a company that is real easy, almost to easy to setup a merchant account. By the way, I went outside the box myself on ebay and am making a huge profit on an item that nobody during this economy would believe is selling,, Hammertap can really help you find some niches out there.
aww man that really sucks. I bet it was a wii wasnt it? people are all over that item like stink on, well, you know the rest

Yeah I got this super great idea for a hardware thing for Nintendo Wii and apparently they do not let any third party make anything only themselves can do it.

So this is same as Egay/Paypussy people total totalitarian termite tossers wanting to be in control
My guess is the auction is set up with Buy It Now. I think PP is the only method you can use for BIN auctions.