An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry later. Find out more [OR-BAIH-01]

Dagger Axe

Jun 14, 2019
Reaction score
What this error guys ?!! Does anyone get this error ? I try to validate my bank account infos then error shop up. I even open another google ads account and this error keep show up. Plz anyone know the solution ?
There could be many issues regarding this error, one example would be your bank rejecting the transaction for security purposes.

It would be best contacting the support team. Usually Billing related issues are fast being replied
Use Incognito mode and see if you get the same error.
Its ip/proxy problem. Many proxy providers have disabled that option to prevent fraud (closed some ports or similar, thats what they said to me). I had same til i used another provider. No point to talk to google support cause they only say clean your cache.
Recently (since 2 months) GAds has from their side flagged (not accepting) many card bins and routing numbers of banks (VBAs) and if you are using one of such bank accounts [whose routing number GAds has flagged (not accepting)], then you will get that error when trying to add the bank account (VBA).
Recently (since 2 months) GAds has from their side flagged (not accepting) many card bins and routing numbers of banks (VBAs) and if you are using one of such bank accounts [whose routing number GAds has flagged (not accepting)], then you will get that error when trying to add the bank account (VBA).
So what is the solution man ?
Faced the same problem last week. With a reputable USA bank.

I think google is cracking down on these newly created threshold accounts. There by flagging some bank VBAs.

I know it's a matter of time and they come up with some restrictions. Enjoy it while it last.
I think it's the IP. I had the same problem when using a VPN, but when I switched to a VPS the problem was solved.
Just use any VPS or good proxy provider.
I have this problem too with legit credit cards issued by a well-known bank in my country, threashold accounts make google more and more nervous it seems....
I raised a ticket with their support, will see...