here is another source to get, submit articles, a mailing list of yahoo groups. i dont know how many others there are, this i the one i subscribe to.
Submit all articles except those that promote illegal practices, religion or cults, unhealthy lifestyles, adult or hate topics. Your moderator reserves the right to reject any article for any reason. Failure to follow the rules will result in your article being deleted you will be banned.
1. All posts will be reviewed prior to approval and the moderator reserves the right to reject an article for any reason.
2. Minimum article length is 400 words.
3. All articles MUST have a real by-line that is about the author of the article. 4. Only send articles one time to the list. Spammers will have their membership deactivated and will be banned from the group permanently.
5. You must set up your membership to receive e-mail from members in order to become and stay a member of this group. We recommend the "Daily Digest" setting.
Anyone who changes their e-mail settings to "No E-mail" or "Special Announcements Only" will have their membership revoked without notice.
6. Make it easy for publishers to reprint your articles by giving them an overview of the article at the top of your e-mail. Follow this format:
You have permission to publish this article, free of charge, as long as the article and by-line are reprinted intact and ALL links made live. Please do not use this article for e-mail distribution unless you have an opt-in list.
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Word Count:
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The full article:
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Put By-Line Here With A Link To The Website