An Adult niche that hasn't been exploited


Regular Member
Aug 2, 2008
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I stumbled onto this adult niche that hasn't been exploited yet. I tested out what the response would be by placing one ad on cl and got a ton of responses to my ad. No one is exploiting this, I've looked everywhere. I just happened to find it by accident surfing one night and a light bulb came on in my head and I started researching it.

The reason for my post is I need someone experienced in adult stuff to help me exploit it and we can both make money. I need someone who's trustworthy to keep this between them and me, we can both profit. Someone with some rep around here. No one new, I'm not giving it away.
I use to run a highly sucesfull free adult forum making $25+ a day with free porn.....

Also am currently doing another project and have connections in the adult industry already....

Would like to talk to you further about this....
I've ran my own solo girl site and did everything from production to marketing, hit me up.
There are definitely some relatively unexploited adult niches if you really specialize.

Go for the real money makers. Donkeys on pulleys, midgets, etc.
There are definitely some relatively unexploited adult niches if you really specialize.

Go for the real money makers. Donkeys on pulleys, midgets, etc.

do hope this is just the kinda stuff you like to watch :P

you pm'ed me and aint heard anything since....
haha lol yeah ... there is all kind of super perv people , like in ***** or w/e entertaiment site was picture of video / dvd cover about black shemale dwarf midget o_O who wants watch that kind of shit , seriously....
haha lol yeah ... there is all kind of super perv people , like in ***** or w/e entertaiment site was picture of video / dvd cover about black shemale dwarf midget o_O who wants watch that kind of shit , seriously....

Why black shemale dwarf midgets of course. ;)
Let me know if you need some help :P Have about 10 years of self taught web coding experience and actually started my own little "porn" business on craigslist making some good money

since you guys were talking about fetishes..i think the weirdest fetish i have ever heard from a customer was that he had a ass hair fetish =/
hey, don't knock midgets. My step-brother just loves them. No kidding. Weird dude.
E-Whoring is pretty much my limit, doubt I would be able to make a site where Ill have to see the content before uploading lol
Alien grey abduction sex

Now that's a new one for marketing anyway.
I want to thank the people that messaged me about this and their offers to help. I picked lewi to give me a hand with this.
Some seriously weird porn fetishes obviously :| Does this stuff work for Tree Gum as well as CL?

I am also into CL and adult, if you are looking for more than one partner, hit me
nice thread, so u guys are gonna put up black shemale dwarf midget ads? damn :D
Meh...I don't care what people are into as long as they feed my need for my own fetish: Money.

I have a friend who was extremely successful making bestiality movies in Brazil. A single film would gross him a few hundred thousand a year...and he would fly to Rio at least 5-6 times a year to make a new film.