Amazon affilate + Adsense autoblog and auto social media Possible


Feb 15, 2015
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Guys, right now i'm so happy and confused at the same time,
I am happy because my hosted adsense application just got approved, i have always been praying for this but now that i have it i don't know the best way to monetize it.

And so i decided to try "Amazon affilate + Adsense autoblog and auto social media post" but i dont know how to go about it and decided to seek help from my fellow BHWer.

Okay so here comes my questions

1. is this method possible (i've seen this work in porn sites)

2. if it is posssble, can you link me to a guide that teaches me how to set it up

Thanks in advance of your much needed assistance.
Adsense and autoblogging don't go too well together. Sounds like a good way to get your account taken away. Unique content only or you risk your account.
If you use amazon + adsense together on an autoblog, without adding original content, adsense will get disabled on that domain or you could possibly get banned.

Adsense TOS state you must add value to your sites visitors.

However it is possible.

1) Setup any of the Amazon auto blog plugins to fill your site with posts on a scheduled.

2) Use nextscripts social plugin to share to social media accounts.
Thanks for that info,

But then adsense apart i'm now aware that it is possible to create amazon autoblogs, but how i can do this is unclear to me(i'm a noob at scripts and plugins) and would be grateful if you can help me with a guide on how to do this and/or link me with thread that does that.

And then please is there any software that can curate videos and/or news articles from news sites.
Thanks again
Hosted adsense account ? just go youtube and blogger and build website in other language use it.
Wouldn't using only amazon products on that particular auto blog more profitable?
With all the bad talk around adsense and g0og1e, and the possibility of having your adsense banned for any reason, amazon only sounds a better idea.
I tried doing something like this awhile ago but from what I could tell, Amazon made it incredibly difficult to add affiliate IDs to RSS feeds (one way to autoblog). I pretty much gave up on it. I was only using a Blogger blog to test it out, though.
You can easily use autoblogging with adsense. If you have aged domain and you make ess than 1000$ per account per month.