I'm using IG + YT + OGADS with a blogger as a landing page, i can't seem to change the domain on the blogger but i have got free ones from dot tk, the locker comes up prior to any information being put in due to not being able to make a form or use a source to create a better landing page. The question is, i'm using 2 accounts and 2 seperate niches, everything is done manual, 1100 follower and 3000 following. Here is the stats from the past 2 weeks since i started.
Sep Clicks: 20 Conversion: 4 Payout: $2.47 C/RL 20.00% $0.12 Stats By Day
Oct Clicks: 173 Convesions: 27 Payout: $8.42 C/R: 15.60% $0.04 Stats By Day
why are there not being more convesions from the clicks, is it the blogger domain showing or the fact ogads has been saturated now on IG?