ALL IN! - IG Journey to +$200/day in 3 months


Mar 16, 2015
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my ALL IN journey.

*I'm from Patagonia, Argentina
*I have worked with IG in the past, but never with bots, proxys and so many accounts. Just simple manual things.
*I actually come from the Adult Re-Uploading method, which worked really good for me.
*I was available to built an automated method making $300 a month and within a year I sold the domain for $3k. You can find a few threads of that from last year, my first money in IM ever!

But I want to do really big things now that I know is possible!
I started meathead's method (which I think is absolutely brilliant if you have the time to grow it up and sell it for $XX,XXX (I'm actually gonna do it if this goes well). But I wanted something faster, knowing that it is more unstable, but I need big money now.


I'm currently living with a friend since almost 2 years ago.
Recently me and my girl talked about going to live together, to have our own space, because we are kind of tired of being surrounded by people all the time . So we decided to jump right on it, and now I have until February to rent a decent place.
I have a few backup projects but if I can get my main goal, then it would be amazing.
We have a clothing line coming right up, as she is a clothes designer and I do my 'thing and with that money we could easily invest in the start up planned in March.

Anyways, so to start the method I needed money, because I want to really get into it, and I didn't have any money online, and couldn't spend cash into it right now, so I sold the websites that I had abandoned for $350.

I already started a few days ago, but today I had the feeling that if I was keeping a journal with the people who are really interested in this, it would keep me motivated.
I already did a few mistakes, and also learned others, so I decided to make this journey in order to keep record of everything I do and to share and learn from you guys.

Now that I got my budget, here's my ALL IN journey to get some cash to move out of this apartment with my girl, to have our own space, to have more free time, and to be available to build our new venture which hopefully will became in another income source!

Here we go!


BUDGET: $350



First day.
I hosted my OGADS landing page in every domain, installed VPS and Massplaner and started to add accounts with proxies.

Here's where I did my first mistake. In the beginning I had 100 accounts.
I added 20 accounts and changed everything in the profile and added the links right away.
I had a few accounts banned there but not that much.
Then I started to follow with those accounts and all of the accounts were instantly banned.
Just 2 accounts were saved, and started to follow right away.
They are still following and I have a few clicks, but I think my targeting is wrong for now.

Now after reading a few more journeys I know that I have to play it safe, calm, and no rush it if I want to do this right. I don't have time or money to be spending like that.

So from now on it will be done the right way.

I already have 2 accounts working in Massplaner.
Tomorrow I'm going to add 20 accounts and leave them there. I'm not going to touch anything.
I'm going to warm them up in their new proxies to keep it cool with IG, 1 to 2 days and then I will edit them.

+I have to target better
+I will divide the 80 remaining accounts into two niches (want to try something)
+I have to build 8 web2.0 to host my other niche links. After a while I will buy some .com domains for this niche too.

Im going to use 5 accounts per domain and 4 accounts per proxy

I will report when the first 20 accounts are ready to follow people.

I never tell anyone what I do here, cause even your closest friends are expecting you to fail, not because they are bad, it's just their nature, so I keep my projects for myself, cause I don't need that type of energy right now.
But as we only know each other here in BHW through our words, I know that members here really are expecting the fellow member to succeed, because everyone of us is hoping to see another successful journey, to actually see that IT IS POSIBLE!

So I really hope you enjoy the journey and let's keep the positive thinking going!
Good luck man.. also i start few days ago with instagram :)
Hey, I hope to see you succeed. I like those Instagram Journeys since I'm going to start it in next week. Anyway, I know you don't want to reveal your methods, but could you tell just bit more about 'followin in the right way'? What should I pay attention to?
Great plan and all the best for your success bro...So you're not going to post anything in all accounts..right?
Good luck. Where did you buy instagram account? Is it aged/PVA accounts
good luck brother! what type of ig accounts you're using ? pva or non pva?
Good luck bro, you made 3K before so you seem smart, keep up the good work
Good luck on this..I really hope you make this happen by Feb. Cheers!
Are you going to use 4 accounts on each proxy?
Is that safe?
Good luck man.. also i start few days ago with instagram :)
Thank you man!

Hey, I hope to see you succeed. I like those Instagram Journeys since I'm going to start it in next week. Anyway, I know you don't want to reveal your methods, but could you tell just bit more about 'followin in the right way'? What should I pay attention to?
I mean start slow, and rise it up day by day. Also test with targeting, find out what work best for your niche.

Great plan and all the best for your success bro...So you're not going to post anything in all accounts..right?
Thank you very much. No. I am not going to post anything on my accounts. Just BIO, link and profile pic.

Good luck. Where did you buy instagram account? Is it aged/PVA accounts
I got it from Acc123 from the marketplace here in BHW. They are NON PVA IG accounts aged 3 months, although after reading Ashani's journey and his way, I want to incorporate PVA IG accounts the next time.

good luck brother! what type of ig accounts you're using ? pva or non pva?
Non PVA aged 3 months, although I am going to go with PVA next time.

Good luck bro, you made 3K before so you seem smart, keep up the good work
Thank you! I got the taste, now I want more. :)

Good luck on this..I really hope you make this happen by Feb. Cheers!
Thanks man. I really hope that too. Cheers!

Are you going to use 4 accounts on each proxy?
Is that safe?
Yes I am using 4 accounts on each proxy. It is not the safest way to play it. 1 per proxy is the safest
Hey! Best of luck with your journey!
What are you going to do about PV ? sim cards or web sevice?
Hey! Best of luck with your journey!
What are you going to do about PV ? sim cards or web sevice?
I'm thinking trying web service, but if that doesn't work then the hell with them I will just move on. Don't want to waste too much time in that.


Still running only 2 accounts, and today I added a few more to warm them up.
Those 2 accounts are already showing results! Here are my first earnings, low earnings but with 2 accounts, and check out the conversion rate. I know that 2 clicks and 2 conversions is not a lot of data to tell anything, but still!


I added 10 accounts today.
I had some troubles with some accounts that were disabled.
Half of my proxies were burned in my first mistake explained above. I can tell because every account added using those proxies got instantly disabled. Going to use them for something else, I have to think what can I do with those proxies.

So instead of losing more accounts I take those proxies out, and now I have 10 proxies which are working good and had no trouble adding the rest of the accounts.

I tried to move on but the second batch of accounts added in the proxies previously used, are requiring phone verification, and I think it must be because I just added accounts using those proxies like 20 minutes ago, so I'm gonna let them rest there.

Tomorrow I will add 10 more until I reach 4 accounts per proxy.
Then I will have to buy a few more proxies to add the remaining accounts.

On Thursday I will start to follow people with the accounts added today and tomorrow.

I'm getting my way around this! Too bad that I lose those proxies and accounts in the beginning but I am learning the right way now!
I'm thinking trying web service, but if that doesn't work then the hell with them I will just move on. Don't want to waste too much time in that.


Still running only 2 accounts, and today I added a few more to warm them up.
Those 2 accounts are already showing results! Here are my first earnings, low earnings but with 2 accounts, and check out the conversion rate. I know that 2 clicks and 2 conversions is not a lot of data to tell anything, but still!


I added 10 accounts today.
I had some troubles with some accounts that were disabled.
Half of my proxies were burned in my first mistake explained above. I can tell because every account added using those proxies got instantly disabled. Going to use them for something else, I have to think what can I do with those proxies.

So instead of losing more accounts I take those proxies out, and now I have 10 proxies which are working good and had no trouble adding the rest of the accounts.

I tried to move on but the second batch of accounts added in the proxies previously used, are requiring phone verification, and I think it must be because I just added accounts using those proxies like 20 minutes ago, so I'm gonna let them rest there.

Tomorrow I will add 10 more until I reach 4 accounts per proxy.
Then I will have to buy a few more proxies to add the remaining accounts.

On Thursday I will start to follow people with the accounts added today and tomorrow.

I'm getting my way around this! Too bad that I lose those proxies and accounts in the beginning but I am learning the right way now!
Good job man !!! Good luck to you in your journey ;)

I tried to add more accounts today, seems like I need to leave the proxies rest a few more days.

I have 10 valid accounts in 10 proxies for now.
2 of those 10 accounts are already following like I stated in the last update, and today those two accounts made me $0.54 and $1 yesterday, so they are working fine

I know I can add more accounts on those proxies, but every account added today it's being burned too.

They are jumping from EMAIL VERIFICATION to "This page no longer exist" or that message that IG leaves when they erase the account, so I'm just going to leave the proxies rest until next week, because I already tested a lot with those, I burned a lot of accounts using those proxies, and don't want to compromise my valid accounts.

I already lose a lot of accounts! I have 50 accounts left to add, but the hell with that! I'm learning my way through and nothing is going to stop me now that I now is possible!



So by this weekend there should be a fun update if everything goes well!

See you on the next update and thank you all for the motivation!

How did you get approved by OGads?

I've read the stickies but they are both 1. really old, and 2. not involved with OGAds.
How much info did you need to provide to get approved? Did you just provide your launch page URL and instagram accounts (with follower amounts?). I just don't want to screw this up and get OGads blocking me from registering :)

I tried to add more accounts today, seems like I need to leave the proxies rest a few more days.

I have 10 valid accounts in 10 proxies for now.
2 of those 10 accounts are already following like I stated in the last update, and today those two accounts made me $0.54 and $1 yesterday, so they are working fine

I know I can add more accounts on those proxies, but every account added today it's being burned too.

They are jumping from EMAIL VERIFICATION to "This page no longer exist" or that message that IG leaves when they erase the account, so I'm just going to leave the proxies rest until next week, because I already tested a lot with those, I burned a lot of accounts using those proxies, and don't want to compromise my valid accounts.

I already lose a lot of accounts! I have 50 accounts left to add, but the hell with that! I'm learning my way through and nothing is going to stop me now that I now is possible!



So by this weekend there should be a fun update if everything goes well!

See you on the next update and thank you all for the motivation!

Btw really nice job, hopefully I can get to where you are at in due time :0
How did you get approved by OGads?

I've read the stickies but they are both 1. really old, and 2. not involved with OGAds.
How much info did you need to provide to get approved? Did you just provide your launch page URL and instagram accounts (with follower amounts?). I just don't want to screw this up and get OGads blocking me from registering :)
Hi! I got approved by telling the truth actually. I told that I was going to start working with Mobile Traffic and I heard that they are one of the best.
I had an instagram account at that moment with around 500 followers and in the pokemongo niche, I also had a domain and a landing page made by myself by that time (I don't anymore). But I went with that IG account and with that Domain and Landing Page.
I also told them that my plan is to grow the account big, along with other accounts, and I was super motivated to start working with them.
Just give them some information, how do you think to promote (without going into too much details) and some material like and IG account or domain with LP or something. It should be fine. (Oh I don't know if this helps, but I told them I already had an account in their old website OGMOBI and that didn't exist anymore) Good luck!
Hi! I got approved by telling the truth actually. I told that I was going to start working with Mobile Traffic and I heard that they are one of the best.
I had an instagram account at that moment with around 500 followers and in the pokemongo niche, I also had a domain and a landing page made by myself by that time (I don't anymore). But I went with that IG account and with that Domain and Landing Page.
I also told them that my plan is to grow the account big, along with other accounts, and I was super motivated to start working with them.
Just give them some information, how do you think to promote (without going into too much details) and some material like and IG account or domain with LP or something. It should be fine. (Oh I don't know if this helps, but I told them I already had an account in their old website OGMOBI and that didn't exist anymore) Good luck!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'll start to implement all this real soon. Problem is getting that first 500 followers ;)

If I may, can you help me a little more on the specifics of getting an LP --
Did you make your landing page with SquareSpace (or other software) or was it from another CPA offering? or did you simply httracker "borrow" it from someone else's launch page? (i heard people do that here too haha).