Alexa Top 10000 Sites List with weekly updates - Lively Browser Standard 4.3.0

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Elite Member
Nov 20, 2008
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Introduce to Lively Browser Standard 4.3.0:

Lively Browser Standard 4.3.0 includes Alexa Top 10,000 Sites List, Alexa Top 10,000 Adult Sites List, Alexa Top 10,000 Sites by countries and Alexa Top 10,000 Sites by languages. You can download this browser and browse Alexa Top 10000 Sites List in your desktop. Moreover, it can be automatically updated every week to get the latest Alexa Top Sites List.

Download URL:

Top Rated Features of Lively Browser Standard:

1) Tabbed Mode and Tree Mode Browsing;
2) Explore Alexa Top 500 Sites List ranked by global popularity;
3) Explore Alexa Top 100 Sites List ranked by 134 countries;
4) Explore Alexa Top 100 Sites List ranked by 21 languages;
5) Explore Web Directory;
6) Explore top 1000 forums by popular;
7) Explore top 1000 forums by total posts;
8) Explore top 1000 forums by total members;
9) Explore Forum Directory;
11) Explore top 500 editor rated software;
12) Explore top 500 user rated software;
13) Explore Software Directory;
14) Add Global Top 1,000 Sites List;
15) Add Top 1,000 Adult Sites List, including porn content;
16) Add Top 1,000 Sites by countries;
17) Add Top 1,000 Sites by languages;
18) Add Global Top 5,000 Sites List;
19) Add Top 5,000 Adult Sites List, including porn content;
20) Add Top 5,000 Sites by countries;
21) Add Top 5,000 Sites by languages;
22) Add Global Top 10,000 Sites List;
23) Add Top 10,000 Adult Sites List, including porn content;
24) Add Top 10,000 Sites by countries;
25) Add Top 10,000 Sites by languages;
26) Bookmark Your Favorites;
27) Manage Products;
28) Automatic Updates.

After Sale Support:

Welcome to contact me for more detail:
E-mail: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
Skype: livelybrowser
AIM: livelybrowser


The price of this software is $99.95 for one year.

However, I would like to sell it at a big discount for BHW members here.

Please PM me to get it at $29.95 and save $70 for you now.

REFUND POLICY: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee without Any Condition.

Usage Restrictions:

You may receive your registration information after you paid registration fee.
But you should not distribute your registration information to any other people via any means.



Welcome to download and try it now:

Download URL:
I am willing to give out following offer now:

10 FREE review copies to Jr Vip's who are donors.

Please contact me via PM for your copy and in exchange for your free copy.
I would appreciate you posting a review of my product in this thread. :D
alright, ill bite, about to send a pm now, this could be interesting in some ways at least
Have PM you the first review copy. Your user id is: 1016. Please check it.

Looking forward to your review coming soon. :)

alright, ill bite, about to send a pm now, this could be interesting in some ways at least
ease of use: 8
its based on eclipse for the frontend, i know eclipse already as a developer so i knew my way around it, its easy enough to find things but it could be simpler in some places

performance: 8
its a java app, guess i dont need to say much more than that, im running it on a dual core 3.5ghz beast, it shouldv been a bit faster imo

update download speed: 4
near on 200meg of updates when i first ran it, 150k/s download speed... GAH painful, installation was fast once they downloaded but downloading them in the first place sucked, since you can update in the background its not that much of an issue but it caught my eye

usefulness for myself: 7
this is a very easy way to find who/what gets traffic in what niches with a point and click interface, useful for finding niches/sites to scrape/you get the idea

for 30$ it looks worth it to anyone who wants to do some more research into sites that are getting traffic and finding places to scrape for large amounts of content, also gave me an insight into what social sites are most popular with each geotarget, quite a useful little trick, i know all of this is available if i dig around and scrape data myself but this was easy to use and saved me screwing around on

since its java/eclipse based id love to see a linux version personally, i had to install it on the only windows box in the house due to my primary systems running linux

nice little product for the pricetag
Just got this. It's the first time I use a similar service and I must say IT'S PURE GOLD! So much cooler and convenient than just using a .txt file with your Alexa list.

I'm probably going to buy the top 100k at some point when I need it.

I recommend it. Been using it for 10 minutes and everything runs really smoothly. A nice add would be to be able to do kinda like a google search (search on the website's pages for keywords) but only using the top 100k Alexa. If anyone know how to do that I'd like to know!

btw only took me 5 minutes to download the updates.

This is a must for any media buyer!
Last edited:
Looks like a big timesaver and at 30 bucks I will bite. I will msn or PM you!

Thanks for your order. Your User ID for this Standard member is 1019. :)

And only one review copy has been given out so far. User ID: 1016.

9 FREE review copies left to Jr Vip's who are donors

Please contact me via PM for your copy and in exchange for your free copy.
I would appreciate you posting a review of my product in this thread. :)

Only $29.95 for BHW members now

Please PM me to get the discount link to save $70 now. :D
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