Affiliate Script - Price comparison?


Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone know of a price comparison script that accepts affiliate feeds? I need to start building type of sites (need high quality script)
You have 3 choices:
Use a 3rd party data service and lose every 5th or so outbound affiliate link, settle for one of the available scripts, or roll your own solution which I think is the best but most difficult.

There are a few scripts out there but most of them are encoded so if you want to change something around it makes it difficult. The people who seem to be successful write their own or have it done by a "reputable freelancer" . I've been trying to find one myself for a few years now.

Started in 2004 by having a script designed by a freelancer. The script was extremely bloated and got me kicked off of my host. I got a server for it and it worked ok but the categories were almost impossible to organize and it added them dynamicly so the pages may have 2-9 categories which were essentially the same. IT was very confusing for users and I stunk it up as far as usability.

I hired a new freelancer and got a better category system but had to map them all everytime I imported. Again stinking it up.

The hardest thing is to get the products from different stores to match up. There is one that is recommended by many at abestweb called price tapestry. I have looked but not bit on this one yet as it only does matching by product name and not other fields.

Also remember that all the datafeeds you put into the script take up space so if you plan on having a large # of products (million +) you need a fast server to handle the querries.

If anyone can send nohatseo and I in the right direction of something new it would be appreciated.
hmm, how do you plan to make money from such untargeted "mall" sites? i tot they were dead from the get go...
hmm, how do you plan to make money from such untargeted "mall" sites? i tot they were dead from the get go...

You answered the question in your question. You have to make targeted mall sites. Dupe content will hold you back also so you have to figure a way around that.;)