Adwords Suspension!!! Loop holes?


Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
OK, i'm going to be as honest as possible here. I was advertising on adwords for gambling related terms, i knew it was against their TOS but if you look closely there a large number of affiliates/sites doing so. Also, recently Google UK have lifted the gambling ban so now advertisers can appear against sch terms, although this is not open to everyone, currently its just the UK gambling license holders...

I received a email to say i have been banned, i'm not going to argue it or try to fight back, they're right, although the gambling landscape is somewhat of a mess on Google.

How does one go about setting up a new account without raising too many eyebrows. I was thinking of moving my site to a new domain, get someone to buy the domain against their name, then create a new adwords account and set it up from their machine. I know very little about IP addresses and what exactly they do but from what i understand if that was to work, could not access the new adwords account from my machine (or any other machines) that were used to access the banned account. Correct???

However, if i changed internet service provider would that allow me to access the new adwords account with being banned again.

I know what i'm doing isn't the greatest but i don't understand how Google can have one rule for one person and another rule for someone else when both have the same end result.

I have no doubt that the ban we get lifted for anyone wishing to advertise against these terms, its merely a case of time and Google being able to monitor and staff it.

I would really appreciate some tips on this, my technical knowledge of IPs etc is minimal so bare with me. I'm working on getting Yahoo and MSN setup but would really like to get something, even a smal fraction of the activity i was running before, otherwise there's no real need to carry on...

I look forward to hearing your thoughts
if you have dynamic ip , clear your cookies and make a new account with different details like name /address e.t.c i think you will not have problem .
for domain i think if its possible move all your site to a new domain
Take the paranoid route like I did and change everything...

New IP, domains, computer (!), c.card etc and NEVER log into your old account from this new setup again.

(I got banned for exactly same reason as you did. ;) )
Yep, they will match IPs and cookies of course. All address and contact info has to be changed of course. I wouldn't go so far as buying a new computer.
I bid on gambling terms all the time-- never been banned-- yea theres different rules for different people.. I also have some other good terms that I use that are closely related to this niche that convert like hotcakes... anyways heres what you do....

You definitely need a new domain as the old one will be banned in system--- you need a new ip-- and a virtual credit card--- as far as the ip goes-- do you have dynamic or static?
Thanks for this, i think some people who are smarter from the word go and get less warnings are ok, unfortunately that's the way it is, i just need to get back on and drive some quality score and get some historical data.

I don't know anything about IP's, currently i'm using a USB Internet stick until my broadband gets installed next week. Does that mean i the big G will recognise me as a new IP?? I can then move the site to a new domain and set up an account with new details. Should this do it?? I do need to take the paranoid approach as i don't want this to happen again, its a nightmare, if they just lifted the ban they wouldn't cause so much grief to people....

Thanks again
You could apply with some throwaway domain and have that redirect to your main site that got banned.
if you get a new isp, you automaticly get a brand new ip adress.
just make sure you you delete all cookies and cache. and use an adress of family or a po-box or something.

also if it`s posible change up your name a bit. use you midle name as first name or something., not entirely nessecary i think, but if you can, why not right.

and off course use a different cc or checking account. never use the old ones again for adwords.
so to clarify...If i do the following i should be able to sneak in unoticed ;)

New adwords account, duh
New name
New card details
New address
New domain name (should i change the site a bit, i'm guessing they might be able to recognise the site if not?)
New IP (using a different home connection should do this?)
Delete all cookies, cache, history, google toolbar
and NEVER access the old account from the new one

I wouldn't go so far as buying a new computer.

my advice on using a new computer was just a cautionary one. it might not just be IP and cookies that they track. (toolbar, mac, hd serial etc)

you wouldn't want all the hard work of setting up a new account to be wasted.
I kind of agree although i wish it didn't have to be so involved. It's a real pain.
also dont log into your old email ever again from the new setup or it will be linked that way too

you dont need to change your computer but you do need to rename it and create a new user that will make your computer like new

with user name if you had say john smith then change it to johnathon eric smith

change the address .change your ip ,clear your cookies new email address

yes you should change your content especially the image locations and a lilbt of a rewording

as for the plug in modem your using dont start doing any of this untill you know it registers as a new ip- use to check this

remeber NEVER log back into your old accoutn ever from your new set up EVER and definately NEVER log into your old email from this otherwise your back to step one
Thanks for this. It's very deep stuff and there's no guarantee i will suceed but its worth one last try before i sell the site.

I asked Google today, if the gambling ban got lifted to everyone (not just UK license holders) would my ban be reconsidered....NO

So basically if someone commits a crime they go to jail for life, no reabilitation, no real chance, no nothing, so i will be trying to get back in on this basis.

if i do all of this should i be in the clear?

It has done really well so far, if i had some decent SEO visibility i wouldn't have such an issue, most traffic is dependent on Google. If anyone can get me 500 TARGETTED clicks a day through SEO i would be happy to negotiate something with the business...
p.s any clever re-directs i imagine would also be a no go area, they would pick that up very easily.

You can not log into ANY google services (gmail, docs, notebook, bookmarks, etc) you were using with your old account or it will get linked to your new account at some point.

I was banned for promoting a "TV on your PC" product as it was categorized as a movie pirate site. This was over 2 years ago after I spent over $100,000 in advertising on adwords! I have attempted to create several accounts over the years and all were banned. I even set up a computer at my mother's house and remote controlled it with her name, another CC, etc. I eventually was banned again as I believe I used my Google Bookmarks at some point.

The ONLY way I currently have an account is by using a separate laptop with NOTHING on it and going through a proxy. It only has a bare browser with NO plugins. I even use Google Chrome as it does not have any plugins yet.

I have also used the activated adword accounts (with a proxy) that are sold on this site. The only problem is that when they run out, you basically "Throw them out" and have to get another one. But, for approx $15, you can get a activated account with $100.

You can not log into ANY google services (gmail, docs, notebook, bookmarks, etc) you were using with your old account or it will get linked to your new account at some point.

I was banned for promoting a "TV on your PC" product as it was categorized as a movie pirate site. This was over 2 years ago after I spent over $100,000 in advertising on adwords! I have attempted to create several accounts over the years and all were banned. I even set up a computer at my mother's house and remote controlled it with her name, another CC, etc. I eventually was banned again as I believe I used my Google Bookmarks at some point.

The ONLY way I currently have an account is by using a separate laptop with NOTHING on it and going through a proxy. It only has a bare browser with NO plugins. I even use Google Chrome as it does not have any plugins yet.

I have also used the activated adword accounts (with a proxy) that are sold on this site. The only problem is that when they run out, you basically "Throw them out" and have to get another one. But, for approx $15, you can get a activated account with $100.

You will have to excuse my ignorance, but i really don't know what you mean by proxy, could you explian more. I need to get this right the first time round.

I will be going down the ultra paranoid route and using a seperate machine with chrome, no plugins, no login to any previous account or features with deleted cookies, empty cache and cleared history.

Can you buy activated adwords accounts with money in them?? This site is new to me but i get the feeling this is the dark side of the force.
A proxy is a way of masking your internet connection by making it
appear as though you are connecting to the internet with a different IP address, as opposed to your real IP address.

The easiest method is to get a secure proxy and enter it into your browser. You are sefinitely on the right forum to learn about proxies. Just search for "Proxy" on this site and you will find TONS of info.

Yes, you can buy activated accounts with money in them. They are usually accounts that come with "Free credits" for a new account. They do work!

Learn from thsi site (like many of use did) and let me know if you have any questions.
Check out this thread here:

Ok, i kind of understand this, you make some changes to your browser so that when your surfing the net, you change your IP address hiding your real computer indentity??

A few questions:

How do you know when your proxy has reset itself to your normal/real ip?

Where is the real value in doing this?

Also, could anyone shed some more light on purchasing ready made adwords accounts? This is all very new to me, shocked that its possible to be honest, but cool nonetheless
I definitely check the proxies before I use them. Then, I may check them every few hours at most. I tend to use a proxy for a specific site or for for a specific session. I have a paid proxy service I use for general BH surfing.

Use whatismyipaddress.c0m for a quick check if your proxy is working.

To be safe, you need to use a proxy for just about everything you read here at BHW. When you download software from an original location (not rapidshare or mediashare), you definitely should use a proxy. When visiting actual websites for BH purposed, you should use a proxy.

I have learn most of what I know about proxies from this site. I use them everyday (almost all day). I have purchased basically EVERY book and software about proxies (and blackhat techniques in general).

Search this forum for activated adword accounts. They generally cost about $15-$25 for an activated account with up to $100 credit. They are basically "Use and throw away accounts".

Check out blackhatseoreview.c0m. I have found it a great place to store some of the best BH stuff I find, while sharing it with others.