Adwords account with $60, your cost $18

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Power Member
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
I can supply adw0rds accounts with $60 in them. You must have a VERIFIED paypal account to use my service. If you do not have a verified Paypal you may pay with another method that we agree on.

I know other people are selling adw0rds accounts here, I know they may be offering a better price. I do not want to cut into anyones business. Maybe if you need the account a little faster and want to pay more, I can help you out.

The cost is $18 for an adw*rds account with a $60 available balance.

Please PM me to place an order.
No sweat biz,I`m actually glad you`re selling. I was looking for the other guy who sells 50$ adwords for 15 bucks in case gundamwig can provide anymore accounts.
No sweat biz,I`m actually glad you`re selling. I was looking for the other guy who sells 50$ adwords for 15 bucks in case gundamwig can provide anymore accounts.

Yea I can do $50 accounts as well for $15
If it's a running account then please send me your payment details, I will buy it.

OK, sorry being a n00b but all I gotta do after buying is put my site link, name and description? BTW I set price for each click myself? I don't need to provide any info to adwords?

Any chance of my site permanently banned from adwords using these accounts?
Im very interrested , could u please send me payment details?
and tell me the age of this accounts
assuming these were created with an email address do you provide that as well or do we have to login and add our own email?
Why should I buy something like that, you have payed just 10$ and you had a coupon code which are free on the internet ;)
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