Advice? Site Rankings Tanked After 4.0


Regular Member
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
3 Sites tanked, multiple keywords were all in the low 1st or second page. I thought it might be a dance but they seem to be around 30-100 now after a couple weeks. My on-page is perfect, not over optimized, not under optimized.

I sent social signals to each page and PBN links. Does it just mean my PBN links suck?

Should I try to keep building links or what?
Try to check once your PBN links, because my all sites are doing good :)
Though, I didn't used PBN for them :)

I believe in Guest postings and Tier Building :D
Did you buy PBN links or did you actually build a PBN?
If you built your own PBN, properly, it shouldn't have impacted your rankings, and you might look at some other causes.
If you bought PBN links, and furthermore cheap, then yeah.. that's why it tanked.
Check if your PBN links are still indexed. By the way how many pages/posts did your websites have?

Also did you use the same GWT for all sites?
I agree to check the pbn links or pbn articles urls if they are indexed this will signify if it tanks
My site with over optimized anchor text also dropped in ranking. Try to check your anchor text ratio.
my site also dancing over one month and over optimizing is not issue because some of the inner pages of my site that have zero links dancing too
It looks like some of the pbn links that were supposed to be permanent rolled to inner pages. Could this make my rank drop?
It looks like some of the pbn links that were supposed to be permanent rolled to inner pages. Could this make my rank drop?

yup can happen. A drop of 3 pages can happen because of this. But this has to be the same case with all 3 sites. Try building more links for another month and see if they re-gain rankings. If it does it will be a proof of above theory or else something else happened.
I have 1 site with PBN that I built + some social signals. It got dropped a few days ago. I bought a link diversity package here on BHW and now the rankings are back. I was off the top 100, now i'm on the original rankings. It is a mixture of little to now anchor text diversity (you need more brand, generic text) and link diversity (only PBNs). Hope you get it sorted out. Good Luck.
Thanks guys, i will try more anchor diversity and throw some solid permanent links!
I have 1 site with PBN that I built + some social signals. It got dropped a few days ago. I bought a link diversity package here on BHW and now the rankings are back. I was off the top 100, now i'm on the original rankings. It is a mixture of little to now anchor text diversity (you need more brand, generic text) and link diversity (only PBNs). Hope you get it sorted out. Good Luck.

Do you mind sharing which seller you used? Some of these diversification include blog pots/web 2.0's with a second tier of spam of links going to them... I gather these are not ideal considering the latest update?
Do you mind sharing which seller you used? Some of these diversification include blog pots/web 2.0's with a second tier of spam of links going to them... I gather these are not ideal considering the latest update?
Hey. I bought Sarkar's Sherlock Hacks Google package - Lion's Mane VI. It was recommended to me from a couple of friends from BHW and it worked awesome. My site got ranked again on the previous rankings and the package is still in workings, so I expect some rises. Good Luck.
3 Sites tanked, multiple keywords were all in the low 1st or second page. I thought it might be a dance but they seem to be around 30-100 now after a couple weeks. My on-page is perfect, not over optimized, not under optimized.

I sent social signals to each page and PBN links. Does it just mean my PBN links suck?

Should I try to keep building links or what?

Try hitting your pbn links with a blast of links to see if that helps. Or maybe just one, targeting a single keyword to isolate it from the rest of the site to see if it's a site-wide thing, or just your pbn.
It's probably On-page Keyword Density + Keywords interlinks + PBN Anchors

Whenever google make an update it plays on the mixture of those. So, when you calculate your KW density, you don't check your on-page alone. You check the anchors from inbound and outbound links. I believe if you are using you Keyword in the PBN, then lower the density in the on-page.
Just based off of the small amount of info provided, my guess is that your PBN links or other links were low-quality and might have lost their value/been demoted. Probably need to start adding in some backlinks of a higher quality to start climbing back up the ranks. A lot of people suggest evaluating your anchor text diversity; ie, using more branded text and naked URLs.